About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 24, 2015

FRIDAY #2325

One Of My Very Own...

Chile's Calbuco volcano right now...

That has got to scare the shit out of those people.
And here's how terrifying it looks at night...
And we wonder why the ancients thought that a god must have caused such things.

I learned something today. In the Russian language there is no word for "the". They consider it redundant...and now so do I.

“It was best of times, it was worst of times.” 
Still beautiful.

I remember the day I knew. I knew…and knowing where her mouth had probably been I couldn’t kiss my mom in the mouth again.


If you don't need to change shirts after eating a hot dog you're not doing it right.

This is cool as shit...

My wife once suggested we make a sex movie. I suggested we hold auditions for her part.

A total lack of support.

 1862 photo of the Battle of Antietam.

 There has been great critism of some of the Civil War photographers for poses scenes like the above. They alledgedly drug bodies to places of interest and posed rifles and other props.

Phineas Gage holding the famous railroad spike that blew through his eye socket and out the back of his head in 1848. Gage survived, but with an altered personality, making this a landmark case in the history of neurology.

I've seen many railroad spikes and none of them looked like that thing.

So even a hundred years after the Civil War, shit like this happened all over the country...
Most people blame the South for all the leftover hatred, but the north did the exact same thing...

i know i'm getting old because i'm grumpy, i sleep early, and the devil appears with an empty hourglass whenever i shut my medicine cabinet

I have dozens of these...

 Who woulda thought they would be so fast?

You don’t have to be an Einstein to realize that political correctness has gone mad. I want sexists, racists, and every other ist to say whatever they want so we can identify the bastards. The way it is now people say exactly the right thing in public then stab you in the back when no one is listening.

Scythe Versus Weedwhacker.

 Scythe won handily.

Think of that carefully. We pray, but god already has a divine plan. You can't have it both ways. Either your aunt dying from cancer is part of the divine plan or it's not. Your prayers have nothing to do with it even under your own model.

"Just Imagine" by Artist Dora Woodrum... 

I have stood around and discussed paintings like this for hours. I like it. 

 This said to be true...

 An ancient nine-inch metal screw found in the 2600-year-old mummy of an Egyptian priest Usermontu's leg...


I have some extras. Leave a comment and I will send you a free bar of gold.

Do websites for orphans have a home page?

I think that to moment music was invented people started dancing to it...
Some better than others...
 Then there are those among us who require additional motivation...

Shit you don't see everyday...

 For as long as I can remember, I've preferred the company of children over adults...

I think my grandson will think I am oh so clever...

 I have a huge collections of jokes that even kids find corny...

Think of all the great movies I can introduce a child to...

Legs and one thin table made out of one continuous tree...

The room my wife and I had in Paris looked out over a central atrium and we had a view into most of the rooms across the way. And it was hot. And most everybody slept naked. And that is all.

People like to say “Can’t complain.” Those people are idiots. Ain’t no one ever got nothing by not complaining.

When she's almost there and I try to change positions...

This looks like fun...

They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken.


As a soon to be grandfather, let me leave you with this...


Ninja Grrrl said...

You will be the best granddad ever. And I don't remember what the gold bars are. I sincerely doubt you're offering me a gold bar. I couldn't comment on the grape requests because I LIKE your wife and if she wants any grapes up her ass, well, there will be grapes up her ass no matter what.

Anonymous said...

This is some funny stuff.
Deposit my gold bar to the charity of your choice

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