About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 27, 2015

MONDAY #2328

One Of My Very Own...

130,000 marching for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Los Angeles.

10 times more people than pictured here died.
Many of them children.
 The Turks still maintain that it was just the "normal" deaths that happen during a civil war.
 But it's hard to explain away the large number of children found dead in mass graves.

That volcano in Chile isn't happening out in the middle of nowhere; it's right outside a city. 

I can't imagine continuing life as normal with that going on. Me and my family would be on an extended vacation elsewhere.

Hiker taking picture of scenic vista the moment the volcano blew said, “Wow”, then dropped the camera and said, “Fuck you.”
Seriously. He looked at that and said, Wow.


Got this email over the weekend:

Hi Ralph,
I read your site daily & on occasion forward you stuff I think you or your readers might find interesting.
Not sure if you know but I live in South Africa and we've been having some serious xenophobic shit happening here, it's reallly savage & I would like to get the word out there. This really upset many people
And it's not an isolated incidence, there are many more unamed victims.

I would appreciate it if you could provide a link to this
on your daily blog.
Much appreciated

I know headline writing is not easy, but read this again:

130,000 marching for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Los Angeles.
Is it just me or does that read as if the genocide took place IN Los Angeles.

Let's start off with some signage...
 Give it five or ten minutes, he'll figure it out.


And as expected by everyone on the planet, the internet has had a field day with this.

But there may have been some tell tale signs we all missed...
But let me be honest...
I don't give a shit about any of this.


Artist temporarily places trash in nature for stunning photographs...
 And my favorite...
I looked all over for the name of the artist, but to no avail.
Other artists alter nature for art, but most are less successful...

Here's another installation by that artist that filigrees metal...

The Incas based their measurement of time on how long it takes to boil a potato.


If dolphins were as smart as some people say they are, they would be fucking each other’s blow holes by now and we have yet to see that shit.

I've been having some acid indigestion problems of late and after an experimentation I found that Zantac works best for me. So I'm sitting at the bar with two bartenders and two waitresses when one of them said something about indigestion. So I chimed in that Zantac knocks mine right out. Well, that's what I thought I said. What I said was "Xanax" and they kept asking questions like, "YOU take Xanax?" and "But that's so powerful." I never did catch on until I told my wife and she corrected me.

I think this works like that clock in Groundhog Day...

I've mentioned the Dermatologist, Dr. Chow, before. He's the father of the dancer, fighter pilot, surgeon and all around great guy. Well, the other day my wife went in for a check up and he was wearing a neck brace. Alarmed she asked if he had an accident in his fighter plane. He said no, he had taken his youngest children to Walt Disney World and was leaning forward in his seat to remind his children to keep their head back against the seat when the ride began with a jolt and gave him whiplash.

What a wonderful idea...

Me, the bartender and several bar patrons were talking about young people today spending so much of their limited income on expensive phones and most agreed that they were just status symbols. I said that we have all spent too much on status symbols so cut them some slack. So one smartass turned to me and said, "So what was your status symbol?" Without missing a beat I said, "I wore my big dick contest trophy around my neck on a thick gold chain." Following an awkward prolonged silence I added, "I only pulled out enough to win."
And now you know why I so popular at my bars.

I think “Coalition of Chaos” would be a great name for a heavy metal band.

UK artist Julie Alice Chapell's Computer Component Bugs...

My wife was too tired to cook last night, but at least there was cans of soup in the fridge…and by soup I mean beer.

The man the whole world loves to hate...

Albert “Sluggo” Camus...

Because you never know when you are going to need Jesus...

All I want is twelve million dollars. And another beer.

 Some times it's just a matter of luck...

If the poles shift positions would I still live in the South? Seriously.

 Speaking of weapons...

You can buy these to embarrass your friends...

You know this is going to be a great read...

How to sell 3D printers 101...
Scan potential buyers as they walk in and print off a statuette as they wait. 

I think the one with the chicken is from a Russian dating service. 

 I'll bet you there are less than 1% of the people on earth know that.

This looks like a classic case of "It's not my job."

Dress like a priest they said. It’ll be fun they said.

 No straight man should ever do this...especially on camera.

 I was searching the internet for something entirely different and just stumbled upon this...
Of course that's tornado damage.


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