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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

When they found this pristine cave several years ago, I freaked the fuck out. Now they have duplicated it near the original sight.
A replica of pre-historic drawings showing horses, rhinoceros and aurochs is seen on a wall during a press visit at the site of the Cavern of Pont-d'Arc project in Vallon Pont d'Arc April 8, 2015. The Cavern of Pont-d'Arc project is a replica of the pre-historic Decorated Cave of Pont-d'Arc known as Grotte Chauvet, in Vallon Pont-d'Arc in the Ardeche region, containing the world's earliest known art which was recently named a UNESCO World Heritage site. The facsimile cavern, which condenses some 8000m² of the original site into 3000m², will display faithful reproductions of paintings and engravings and will be inaugurated on April 10 and will open to the public on April 25. (Photo by Robert Pratta/Reuters)

 They even duplicated the scratches in the wall...

Talked to a non-believer today. He used to be a Mormon. I asked if he did the two-year missionary thing even though he knew it was bullshit by that time. I asked how he could have thought that was a good idea and he said, “I didn’t want to disappoint my family.”

What kind of parent would do that to a son? And how many of your sons and daughters are doing your bullshit just so they don’t disappoint you?

THE HEAVENS—Calling it a careless mistake that was thankfully less serious than it could have been, the Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, admitted Tuesday that He accidentally shot Himself in the thigh while cleaning His Beretta 9 mm semiautomatic pistol. “I was just buffing up the trigger guard when all of a sudden the thing goes off,” said God, chastising Himself for leaving the safety off and forgetting to keep the muzzle pointed away from Him. “I really should have checked to make sure the chamber was empty. Thank goodness it wasn’t my AK or my Mossberg 500 Persuader—then there could have been some real damage.” Our Holy Father added that He anticipated a speedy recovery, vowing that He’d be back out at Heaven’s shooting range as early as tomorrow.


 I run across people with hair like this daily...
 In all honesty, I've never been to a negro church...
But I've seen baptisms like this at family reunions...
And their scores are...

For every comment I get today I will shove a grape up my ass.


Posted this a few days ago then noticed the shape of a man in the flames...


Another look at those two painted women...
Can we assume the women are laying on their side and merely moving the "limb"?

 I tried to post this weeks ago, but it screwed up...
My favorite part was this dog's sister toward the end. We all have a relative like that, don't we? 

This guy in one of those wing suits nails it...
Are you as impressed as I am over the speed in the first part of the clip?

Oxford University is older than the Aztecs.

No one has fresher breath than a secret alcoholic.

If we could only get rid of the federal government this country could be a libertarian paradise like Somalia

 Toyota is introducing a whole fleet of these for urban trials. I wish them the best.

 Interesting twist...

This is a face merge of all the Beatles...

 (Phrasing....think about the phrasing)

Goddamn I love language...

 This has freaked many people out of late...
Curiously, it happens after a transformer explosion. Go figure. 

This is what my ideal European roadtrip would look like...

This is some arty stuff...

Poor people on welfare should not eat steak and sea food. they should be drinking raw sewage out of an old boot while thanking me

If there's something I know with certainty, this man has a dinosaur.



Anonymous said...

My son loves grapes.

Anonymous said...

I was unaware you felt that way about me, Ralph. And while I'm a try anything once type of guy, please leave me out of it.


Anonymous said...

First Grape's on Me

Anonymous said...

a grape per comment? then have one on me ... jm

Oni said...

How am I the first to comment?? I thought the grape thing would surely get things rolling...

I could not agree more about the Somalia comment! After living in Georgia for 5 years and the constant complaining about "The Government" (as if it is some faceless monster instead of Americans like you and I) and "Taxes" that are always too much... I am left thinking.. if you don't think you should pay anything to live in the greatest country on earth, you are a freeloader. I think the amount of taxes I pay is a goddamned bargain. Paved roads (1M a mile, btw), public schools, police to answer your calls, firefighters to put out your fires, a relatively stable economy and currency, an enormous military force, a relatively fair and working justice system with thousands of judges and staff all paid with our taxes, clean water (let me say that again: CLEAN WATER - 100% because of our government), sewer and drainage systems and waste water treatment plants, public parks, libraries, historical monuments, and a million other things we all take for granted - and you think you should get all that for free? So my response is, if you want to live in a country where nobody pays taxes, I will buy you a one way ticket to Ethiopia, and you can fulfill your lifelong dream of living in a tax-free utopia.

It's like they don't get the connection.

And btw, as someone who is apparently a top 5%-er, I think it's fucking ridiculous the tax benefits you get that poor people don't. Taxes on long term capital gains and dividends from stocks are only 15%! Mortgage interest deduction, all the (totally bs) shit you can deduct from your income if you own a business. It's unreal. And yet the wealthy still complain.

I did some digging on this whole taxes thing last year and I'll send you some links if I remember. One, I found info directly from the IRS about exactly where your tax dollars go, which seems like it would settle a lot of the outrage on the internet about this topic. Two, I found that federal payouts for social services (welfare, foodstamps) go overwhelmingly to red states, while blue states are the states that are paying more income taxes. Again, the disconnect.

Anonymous said...

I guess one grape won't make you w(h)ine...

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