About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
 You people deserve better...
You're welcome. 

These headlines remind me of how foolish it is to trust our government:
 (If our government can't even infect North Korea's computers, what the fuck is going to happen when the cyber warfare starts?)

And then there is, of course, the unfortunate business of losing our guaranteed rights.
 And lest we forget, not one...zero...terrorist plots have been foiled by the billions wasted and our rights abused.
But if you scare a people bad enough they will allow you to do pretty much whatever you please.
And the US is not the only one dealing with this.


As is my habit....my name.
That was taken from the movie, Virgin Suicides. The wife and I listened to a book on tape of it during our trip. It ended just a couple of miles from our home, which is pretty amazing.
Anyway, we loved the book and I recommend it to you fine folk.

At one time or another all normal people have wished their family were also normal.

 I thought he owned a loom on which he wove his clothes.

Do you recognize this person? Don't give up too easily.

Pornstar Linda Lovelace. Yeah, I didn't recognizer without a dick down her throat either.

Dogs Playing Poker was, in fact, a whole series of pictures by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. In 2005 one sold for $590,400.

I like to look at naked pictures of my wife while I’m eating fried chicken.

 I love that cartoon. You might want to stop by his website from time to time.
A cartoonist named Weiner...go figure.

Okay, here's the set-up. Truck is to be driven over two planks onto a ship...note angle.
Place your bet.
1. The truck's back wheels never get off the pier.
2. The truck gets half way and the planks break.
3. The driver drives off the planks.
4. The truck makes it onto the ship.

Enjoy life because at any moment a poorly installed air conditioner could fall on your head.

This man is a genius...
 Did it twice because having trouble loading.
Yeah, I missed it, too. My question is, how did they get the truck sideways on the pier?

 Double Barreled 1911 pistol quad wield.

 Do Want.

Read an article about the 10 deadliest swords.

When swung, the urumi acts like a whip. A metal whip. A metal whip with two sharp edges.

USB sounds like a backup in case the USA fails.

 This American Flag piece, by Kevin Champeny, is made of 44,450 hand cast urethane army men; it measures 72 inches wide by 48 inches tall and 1 inch deep.

Watch robot bird launch off oversized robot cockroach
 I only posted that because of the headline.

Sit-u-a-tion-al A-ware-ness...

I bet attractive people think the world is a lot more polite than it really is.

Al Qaeda's job application form

The application warns applicants to keep their answers secret from one another and reassures them that only "concerned individuals" will be able to see the completed form. Many of the questions relate to family life, education, and religious piety ("How much of the holy Qur’an have you memorized? Did you study Shari'a? Who was your instructor?"). It also asks applicants to choose between science and literature as a "favorite material" and specifically asks about technical expertise in chemistry or communications. Finally, it asks who should be contacted in the event that the applicant "becomes a martyr."

I'm amazed how some people act when then find something on my blog that has been posted before.

Guy fakes clever pic with sculpture...
But how many times have you seen a painted sculpture? Not many. 

If Obama was the president of Kenya, he would be their first white president.


This is the truest thing I've ever posted.

I just want to be as happy as a character in the first half hour of a horror movie

WWII vets deserve everything they can get.
Afghanistan vets died for nothing.

This 65 pound striped bass was caught in Bill Shoals Lake in Taney County Missouri last week.  It is just shy of 50 inches long.  It beats the previous record for a striped bass caught in Missouri which was a 60 pounder also caught in Bull Shoals Lake in 2011.
I will bet money that the fish in Bull Shoal Lake are fed by humans. That means all they do is eat and sleep...and grow. But believe it or not, "farm raised" fish still count in the record books without mention that they weren't wild.
Speaking of fishing...
I think he needs a bigger boat.

 See anything odd about this?

If you believe everything you read, it’s best not to read.

This giant glass sphere can concentrate sunlight up to 10,000 times for energy purposes, and can even harvest energy from moonlight.

Kid was just handed the keys to his new Vette and asked his buddy to film him drive away...
 He had no idea what that kind of power would do.

The main thing I've learned from Viagra commercials is that guys with a lot of hobbies can't get boners.

 This by the same guy who did the flag.
 This 60-inch wide by 48-inch tall and 1-inch deep piece is made of 35,000-plus hand cast urethane flowers.

This is how we all react when the large person who talked all the way through the movie trips on her way out...

Thanks to the word “indescribable” there’s nothing that can’t be described.

When everybody’s weird, ain’t nobody weird.


And god said “let there be light” and all today’s children said “cool story bro.”

Me Questionalizing...

When my daughter was six, she said, "I don't care if Ernie and Bert are gay or not, but how do they afford that apartment? Do they even have jobs?"


Colin said...

Ralph, we have a meme going.
The meme needs a label.
The label needs a badge.
The badge shows support for Edward Snowden.
You are the man to create that Badge.
If you can stir up interest in Britain and Germany .....WoW!
Just a thought - you like making people think!

Anonymous said...

"If Obama was the president of Kenya, he would be their first white president." ...love it.
or as I like to say, "I'm proud the USA has elected our first half-white president."

Of course, it should not matter the race of the multimillionaire politician with little experience running anything who now holds the office of POTUS as long as he keeps talking to you like he has a clue what your poor life has been like--because he looks like you.

Let's just elect the S&P500 for President and be done with it.

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