About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Diddy is every where.

Once I got the car turned toward my grandson's house on the last leg of the journey, I only stopped once to install a key packet on a sign post.

Last night was a computer nightmare, but today it's seems all better. I couldn't add anything to Friday's post, so I hope it was okay.

Well, it don't get any better than this.

A gift from a friend.
 Did you notice it is a beard?

 And then there's this news that's just out of this world.
 I find the lack of craters remarkable.

Doctor tests grip strength of newborn.
They can swim, too.

Word On The Street...


Nazi pitifully attempting to avoid the noose at Auschwitz.
Goddamnit, that IS pitiful.

Archaeologists in Denmark have unearthed something really enigmatic. A dig near Boeslunde reveaed about 2,000 little spirals made of flat gold thread. The stash dates back to 700-900 BC.
 They think it is most likely clothing decorations.


What is going to make you happy in life? Time-saving home appliances.
And what did mankind do with all that "saved" time? They spend it looking at their phones.


Portland is facing a rash of hundreds of dildos hanging from power lines.
 And a related headline:

For the love of all that is sane, people. 
 I would love to meet someone who bought one of those. I would not be kind to them.

The cameraman cut to the crowd at just the right moment in her story...
 So my wife and I are going to try to make up a story that will match her gestures.

 Well, your little snowflake is soon to get a lesson on the food chain she ain't soon gonna forget.
 Those are male lions. I thought the girls did the hunting.

A device that compares the recoil of various weapons.
I think that second device is called a recoilless rifle. Anyone?

Get it?
 Rewriting history.

A couple of maps you may like...

Grocery store gag signs...
I'm assuming they are just placed around a store by the prankster.

When subtitles fucks with you.

Read this:

By Trump's 1999 calculations, his proposed one time 14.25 percent levy on the net worth of the super rich would raise $5.7 trillion and wipe out the debt in one full swoop.

I show awful tattoos, so let's balance it out with some I like.

In a similar vein...
 Sunburnt developments, Thomas Mailaender

 Sunburnt developments, by Thomas Mailaender

 He simply places a large negative on their skin and burns them with a heat lamp.
 I wonder if he had to pay them extra for the pain and potential skin cancer?

The Not-Planets...

Crazy People...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comment about the guy rubbing himself behind the lady??

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