About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
So bad I'm embarrassed. One more time...

Installed a dozen or so keys on the way across Vermont, through New Hampshire and half way up the coast of Maine.

Pulled over in a rest area in the mountains and spotted these staked rocks like an alter.

So I got one of my long 18" rods...
 ...and added to the mystic.
I had planned to use the rods to hammer into cracks in the rocks of cliffs, but there has been nary an opportunity.

During my travels I have seen my share of awful drivers...
 But in Maine I was driving on a 70mph Interstate for hours and everybody but me was driving at or slightly above 60.
And, no, I didn't read the sign wrong.

It was a good day. Only got lost twice. Saw a Confederate Flag on a house. And it was 56 degrees...had to put on a long sleeved shirt.

Take your crying baby out of the theater. I didn’t pay $10 to hear a reminder of your weak pullout game.

Chastablasta indeed.


My wife has an appointment next week for a mac n’cheese cleanse. I think they puree it. Updates and photos to follow.


My new superweapon in the hyperpalatability wars...
A Lobster Roll...from Maine...wife and I both had one today for lunch. It was a delicious as it looks. Costs a little less than a house payment...but worth it.
Tonight we found a great little diner.
 It even had juke box things on each table.
We both ate another lobster roll, this one better than the one at noon.
On the menu I read that they have a lobster omelet.

Zoo did this at construction area. Click to imbiggenize.


In dog years I’ve been dead for a long, long time.

Old fat white guys with beards and tats...and a Harley. Seen a thousand of them on this trip.

Your life time of gaming has prepared you for this very moment...


That's what he said...

 Too soon?

We all need to take a look at this again...


Wait for it....wait for it...waaaaaaaait....

Not to brag....

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