About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


One Of My Very Own...


Haven't installed many keys so far. I've been kind of antsy to get to my grandson to stop too often.
 Fuck! Just noticed I forgot the goddamn keys on two of them!


It has taken us two days to get to Mississippi because GPS put us on some really rough roads.
But as stated yesterday I am sitting in a Motel on Hwy 45 and will make it to my daughter's house tomorrow.
Did find something interesting.
I turned around and drove back to photo that, but the whole time I thought it said Corn Dog, which I think you will agree, is much funnier.

I'm not a cruel man and I try to hold my arrogance in check, but tonight my wife and I ate at Cracker Barrel and I talked her into playing "Can you spot the high school graduate." There were two candidates, but in extreme rural northern Mississippi, most didn't even make the first cut and that was the presence of a full set of teeth.

Yes, good old Mississippi where the motel we are staying in only has 4 non-smoking rooms. True.

Know you have seen all these, but...

This one looks kind of like my wife's back.

A guy told me that the reason Hubble was having trouble seeing it clearly is that it couldn't focus that close.
Is that true? 

I have to share top billing with someone named Lorri...WITH AN I!??

Ever wonder what would happen if the computer set off all the fireworks at one time?


Street artist, Dolk Lundgren - Norway - same league as Banksy. He reaches a wide audience with his stencils from children to old people. Mostly funny but sometimes with a more serious touch.


My favorite time of day is the 5 minutes every day when coffee overlaps with beer.

Say it with stone. How wonderful.

I’ve been faking most of my LOLs for a long, long time.


That awkward moment when your head suddenly shrinks, leaving jewelry looking disproportionately large.

Might want to rethink that font style.


Guy told me about taking his very old grandmother to a wedding and right in the middle of it she asked, “Where’s the body?”


Losing your spouse can be hard.
But not impossible.

Of course, I once believed Obama's oratory that he would change things. 
Remember this movie? Idiocracy. A must see in my opinion, that I forgot to put on the list for my friend.



The statement “Don’t take this the wrong way” has a zero percent success rate.



If you are going to get in trouble for hitting someone, you might as well hit them hard.

Remember when you were this young?
My neither. 


Why should we teach girls to fart louder when we should be teaching boys not to fart as loud?

Good advice for us all.


If you want people to really pay attention to you, start the conversation with “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.”

Not what it looks like.

When shit hits the fan.


Does savory just mean salty?


You gotta love this guy.

If the devil invented an alarm clock.


So says a study.

I have no idea what this means and/or if it's even funny.

 I watched this movie over the 4th weekend.
 It still amazes me that they make fun of this guy's story of once being taken by aliens even with them hovering over every major city.


Photographer poses people in abandoned building...


Have you ever been so mad at your wife that you went to the kitchen and tightened all the lids on jars?


Isn't it amazing that EVERY religious bullshit is written by men and they ALL have to do with women not fucking someone else. How strange. It's like it was just their fears written down as laws from the guy who managed all the super novae.

And let's not forget that the center of the world, so to speak, was EXACTLY where the writers happened to live - IN EVERY CASE! I mean, in the bible's case, did god just decide to ignore the Inca, the Hopi, the Zulu, the Chinese, etc? And the people he decided were is chosen ones are the people who witnessed it all and wrote it down. What are the chances?
Surely some of this has to send up some red flags even among the strongest believers. 

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