About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


It's been reported that there are sometimes problems sending comments via phones. I have no way of fixing that.

You can't always get what you want. 

My bet on the weather is coming right down to the wire...

It's called the Azure Window.

The major tourist attraction in Malta was featured in Game of Thrones.


Let's be real. Denver was founded when a bunch of settlers already worn out after crossing the plains, saw the Rocky Mountains, and said "Fuck that, I quit." 


This guy specializes in photographing outdoor stairways, so one of us must be the other's spirit animal.

And my favorite...
Speaking of Game of Thrones.

What a wonderful composition...


The clumped four fingers on the right, plus the single raised finger, seem to almost fit into the hand on the left like a lock and key.
Also note the repeated V shapes, even in the folds of the sheet.

Notice the angles that line up...

Do you think the tiles were broken prior to installation or is it a repair job?

There is a line missing on the woman's drawing...her lower abdomen.

Notice the tree line matches the bulk and upturned trunk of the elephant.

Studies show that 6 out of 7 dwarves weren't happy.


There is something about the indestructibility of the steel juxtaposed with the frailty of the glass.

Talks to me about the insignificance of a single man.

A guy on a site I visit every day put another freckle on a picture of Morgan Freeman everyday.
Day 55

If I wasn't supposed to put my dick in it, then why they have them holes?

From this to what you have in 100 years.
What on earth must the future hold for your great-grand kids.

Oh the memories I have of just such passion...

And there are handrails on each side...
Very shallow learning curve on that second guy.

Don't let your daughter date this guy...

My dad was a world class soap carver. Once when I was a kid my mom heard me curse and washed my mouth out with the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


You go Czech Republic!


I would sure like to know the story behind this...





The findings are especially relevant since previous research suggested that there is a correlation between cat ownership in childhood and developing schizophrenia. Researchers have previously theorized the culprit could be the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which separate studies have linked to mental health problems. Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted through the feces of infected cats, though people can also contract the parasite from eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables. In combination, those studies have repeatedly led to inflammatory headlines alleging that cats will make their owners “crazy.”

Yeah, that's just what someone who knew cats caused insanity would say.

Same source...



Word of the day


All the advice sounds so simplistic.

But most of it is just common sense.

And remember, about half the people in America hate their job. Life is too short for that bullshit.

A good server who sees family pray before eating will say, "Have a blessed day," just to insure a bigger tip. They say it works every time.

Can a ghost and a zombie come from the same person?


Pufferfish caught in a swirling vortex of bubbles caused by warm and cold water currents colliding. Do you think they are doing that for fun? It occurs to me that a couple of quick thrusts and they would break free.

Watching the chest reminds me of the wish bone. That little bone moves in and out when the wings beat, aiding the heart in pumping blood.

Who the fuck would call the cops on this dear lady?
(click to embiggenize for small font) 

River otters attack a monkey at an exhibit at the Bronx Zoo where the otters had the water section and the monkeys hung around the land.
I bet the child visitors got an eyeful that day. 

Satellite passing Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
I can only assume photographed by another satellite.

The radical plan to save China from air pollution.
Last week, the Italian architect, famed for his tree-clad Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) skyscraper complex in Milan, unveiled plans for a similar project in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing. The Chinese equivalent – Boeri’s first in Asia – will be composed of two neighboring towers coated with 23 species of tree and more than 2,500 cascading shrubs. The structures will reportedly house offices, a 247-room luxury hotel, a museum and even a green architecture school, and are currently under construction, set for completion next year. But Boeri now has even bolder plans for China: to create entire “forest cities” in a country that has become synonymous with environmental degradation and smog.

If vegans can demand vegan meals at restaurants, I should be able to demand meat at a vegan restaurant.


Read carefully...


I wonder how many times a person has to be called a racist when they are not before they turn into a racist?

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