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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


One Of My Very Own
Sorry about that.

Let's dip a toe into the absurdity pond again, shall we?

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



A stadium full of football fans sing "I Won't Back Down" tribute to Tom Petty. (short)

If anyone had a not so good day today, do your best to rock that shit tomorrow. Life is too short for two days of bullshit in a row.



Here's the whole horror story:

Well, so much for tourism.


"Hi, Steve!" 

"Hi, Ray!"
I don't care how playful that monster is, my child would not be allowed to do that.

That whole bitcoin thing just sounds preposterous. 

Hyperbole - The American Way.

This guy would be discharged instantly.
He is not just a man, he is a link in a very powerful chain.
But it does remind me of a young man I knew in the Air Force. He had his chest pressed against the rocket nozzle of a air-to-air missle, reaching around to do a static electricity check, when it ignited, streaked off the rail and crashed in a farmer's field. When Raytheon, the manufacturer of the weapon was notified, they said, "That's impossible." I thought that was odd.
The young man in question survived the roll across the tarmac having had ever stitch of his uniform blown off.
The Air Force send hundreds of Air Police to gather every piece of the missile, down to very tiny pieces and these pieces were stored in a bunker in the missile shop's area to which I had access. One of the pieces was a perfectly round portion of our friend's shirt in the chest area where he had made contact with the missile.
But missile mishaps are more common than one would think.

I've shown you this before.

But aren't sure about this one.
I'm assuming that's the same guy.

Now time for a hundred Indian fellows to come out and turn it into and environmental disaster, I mean scrap.

One would think it would be just as hard to get a certain color combination on one side as it would to solve the puzzle.

These are the same people who blow themselves up. Coincidence? I think not.

And I think the Germans were spot on with their diagnosis.

Guy lined his brick patio with concrete, and the concrete had empty  12 gauge shell casing imbedded in it.

I just threw that in this section just because.

You can't get pulled over for having an open container in your car if you hold it out the window.

They mostly do that with breasts that are hanging out of their top.


I would make it a point to patron a restaurant that did that.

No, checking out your social media is no more prying than driving by your house to see if you have any stupid shit painted on the roof. Be careful out there, my friends.

I am still confused about grown men I know that are really into all those children's movies. And there are a whole bunch of them. One told me he had read all the books as a child and that made the movies fun for him. Okay, I guess, but it's still kiddy prose.

I hate shit like this.





(they can't all be gems)





I remember that!

There's really nothing funny about that.



Barn owls must have been overjoyed when the barn was finally invented.



Iceland becomes smallest nation ever to qualify for World Cup. 



Yes, an Olympics for the device.

Look at this goddamn technology!

Heat-sensitive edition of the book 'Fahrenheit 451'.
How absolutely wonderful.

This may be true.


Did you notice that the car that T-boned the cop car is a fleeing felon?

I convinced my young daughters that I hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner, then they vacuumed every time they got mad at me.




I never said Christianity had a monopoly on crazy.


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