About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 25, 2017

MONDAY #3288

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

My hope is that this holiday finds you safe, healthy and happy. Smile, my friends, life is good.

More Christmas stuff...

This makes more sense than the imaculate conception bullshit.
There are two kinds of people: the kind who believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie and moron freaks.

Tiny Tim

Holy shit!

Art and art

Public Art I can tolerate...

I sure hope the pigtail is real cloth.

Moving on...

From such short stories are written.

How sad.

Learn your lines...

She photographs herself being watched while she undresses....for art.

The word on the street...

When making frozen pizza, do you ever rearrange the pepperoni so they are evenly spaced?



Back when she used to put his dick in her mouth.
I would have liked to have seen that.

You ever notice how people who think they are better than you have an affinity for stupid hats?

Yes, this is who you think it is.
No word on whether she put his dick in her mouth, but I read in Esquire that she took it up the butt...and liked it.

I would love to do that to my jacket.

It's called situational awareness and it's a good thing.

I'm assuming the truck's breaks failed.


I hate when people complain that a movie doesn't make sense. I mean, look around dumbass, nothing makes sense.



Rather distressing. You might want to look into that.

I think the prop is dicing up fish and the sharks treat it like a buffet.

I just like to visualize that from time to time to keep myself centered as it were.

Years ago I read that this is the most destructive way to irrigate a field.
As I remember, a well is drilled down to the acquafer then pumped up and out. But the chemicals in that water will render that land sterile after years of use.
[verification needed]

"Ain't nothing scarier than a man with a gun. And there ain't nothing more pitiful than a man without one."



I tend to agree with that.

I a country where is is perfectly normal...

We still have a thing about the female breast.
But not my state, even with hundreds of miles of pristine beaches.

Take the time to read this, please.
There isn't anything right about that.




Most awesome photobomb in history.



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