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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

SUNDAY #3280

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Spanish Harlem ~ Ben E. King




This guy laid out a piping system in the bottom of his hot tub, filled it with sand, then turned on the air.

There have been countless studies that show the lecture is the worst teaching method for most students.

This is in the science section to remind you the importance of physics principles.
And with all the protection given children at playgrounds, how are they supposed to learn the dos and don'ts of various physic principles?

This reminds me of a story.
Not too long ago I had a crew of two on the road. I rented them a room and had one to myself. After we settled in my crew chief knocked on my door and asked what I was watching on TV. I showed him, then he said all they could get was porn. I went to their room and sure enough, the only channel was porn. So we sat back and watched, then started critiquing the "stars." After an hour or so I noticed a device exactly like the one above on the back of the TV, flipped the switch and the TV was back to normal.

If this is not photoshopped, it makes no sense. 
It looks like a huge hole was mined out of the mountain to accommodate the house. For anyone south of Bill Gates that seems to me would be cost prohibitive.

Rather confusing graphic here.


But then this.

This Car Powered By a Giant Mouse Trap.


It took 9+ hours for the signal to get there and 19+ hours for the response to travel the 21 billion kilometers back.. but it worked. 

The 6th day of Christmas was the worst day of Christmas because after getting 5 golden rings she thought he had moved on to jewelry & did not expect more birds.


My wife once made my children wear a coat over their Halloween costume so they wouldn't get cold. Think about that a minute.



Let's play What Happens Next:
A. He fucks with his "victims."
B. The table flip, sending him onto the "victims."
C. The cyclist flips over backwards.
D. He clears the "victims" to great applause.

Please, for the love of sanity, tell me that's not true.

Nanny Runs Down Package Thief After Getaway Car Takes Off.

Classy recovery.

Newest sex scandal: Congressman Lockhart has reportedly had sex with several women in a cave while high. More accusations are coming forward daily. He also reportedly had sex in the car to and from his apology speech for his sexual misconduct.
Now go back and look at his wife's reaction.
[ RH - If that's not true, please don't tell me.]

You don't get anymore Slavic than this...

A. He fucks with his "victims."
And everyone laughed at the sissy on the end.

What a great reaction to near disaster.
Who wouldn't love a girl like that.

Attractive woman said Hi
I said How many disease boxes did you check?



Get it? Look at the flags.



When the hospital discovers that you don't have insurance.
No, it's worse. They just abandon you on the sidewalk and you die of "natural causes."


I'll bet good money that they hail from Alabama.

Gonorrhea would’ve been a good name for a diarrhea medicine.



Another game of What Happens Next:
A. A drum catches afire.
B. His pants fall down.
C. He falls down knocking over drums.
D. He ends up inside a large drums.

What do you think about when you see this?

Well, take a look at this...

I think the emoticon for lesbian ought to look more like this...

D. He ends up inside a large drums.

Ah, but there is a method in his madness.

I've shown many of these death masks...

Here's a rather unique one...

Let's take another look at this phenomena.
That must be some super light snow.

Time capsule from 1777 discovered in Jesus statue's ass.

During the restoration of a Spanish church, a memorial from 1777 was discovered in Jesus' ass. The historical document was hidden in a small column of the wooden Jesus statue's ass. It is about the economic and social life of the time, about local customs, celebrities and games, found in Jesus' ass. In the pictures of Jesus' ass you can see two well-preserved leaves, which are written in beautiful, calligraphic script hidden in Jesus' ass. The original was put into the archive, a copy remained in Jesus's ass for the next generations.


I'm so glad I found this. The last gif was too long to load.







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