About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 19, 2018

MONDAY #3343

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Janis Joplin, “Me & Bobby McGee”


My grandson's driver won the first NASCAR race. Came from out of nowhere and it was a thing to see.

Also, tonight my pizza bar got a phone order for a large pizza cut in 9 equal pieces. Think about that a minute. My bestest friend the manager asked the phone girl for a diagram. Funny man.



Things that leave me befuddled, confused, muddled, addled, bewildered, disoriented, fazed, perplexed, dazed, dizzy, stupefied, groggy, muzzy, foggy, fuzzy, dopey, woozy, befogged, mixed up, discombobulated, and/or flustered.


Let's lead off with a couple of oldies.

Getting tased and just wanting to share the feelings.


The look on their faces.

This drunk bastard got pushed to the ground, but his look when he realized he was being filmed is priceless.
You might need to right click it and something like this will appear and just click it. 

Get it?

Boy, can I relate to that. But I can assure you that it is faster to paint the wall the color of the mortar, then sponge on the brick shapes. I've done it a thousands of times.


A world class napper.

Where soccer is king.

That was very well done.

Kind of looks like the bus napper.



"This is greatest invention since sliced Brett!" 
 - Cannibals



Quartz Table
I can't imagine cutting such a magnificent thing in pieces to make a table.

Look carefully, I almost missed the oddness.


This is what $20 million dollars under a mattress looks like.






Now there is another option to cremation.

This boy just spelled college "cholidg". Good luck with that law degree.


You decide.


That's cool as shit.

Speaking of...





Bear pushes his injured trainer around in wheelchair after he breaks both legs in 60ft fall.

Do they want to play or eat? Or both.

What I like about humanity is that certain mustaches are considered more evil than others, and everyone basically agrees on which is which.

All things Ralph.


Merchant Marines may be the greatest heroes of WWII.
That is a Liberty Ship. The US built them by the thousands. During a contest, one was built in only a day. The Merchant Marines were all volunteers and agreed to sail to England imperiled by U-Boats, mines and, of course, weather. Plus they had no weapons to fight back and when sunk there was a real chance that there would be no rescue.


A new lighter.
One tube of the lighter is a wick filled with methanol. The other tube has a piece of platinum black, or powdered and compressed platinum, suspended on a wire also made of platinum. When platinum meets methanol, it catalyzes a chemical reaction where methanol loses an electron. This releases enough heat to allow other methanol molecules to combust."

RH: No big deal. When I was younger I used to extract my own DNA every damn day...sometimes more than once.



That's one stupid SOB.

Thanks McDonald’s for adding two drive thru order lanes that require everyone to cooperate and merge so I can be driven to a blinding rage and lose faith in humanity all before lunch.




RH: You really ought to write that shit down.




So much for subtlety.

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