About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


One Of My Very Own
Blog writer becomes an angel.
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

[verification received]
Renown Reader Reon explained that this was a scam.


Notice how the explosions become less and less powerful.

I wonder how long it took him to figure out that this would work.


Practicing kidney surgery

A marble quarry in Italy from the inside.

Hammerhead Shark X-Ray 

https://www.ecosia.org linked to Google search engine (so you get the same results) - but you know how Google is worth like gazillions of dollars and that goes into someones back pocket - the money generated from https://www.ecosia.org simply goes into planting trees.
Roughly speaking every 45 searches you undertake = one tree. 
RH: Does that look like a scam to anybody but me?
[verification needed]

The Golden-tailed Gecko's (Strophurus taenicauda) Threat display in slow motion. When under attack this Gecko has an incredible way of deterring predators. They open their mouths to show a black blue lining as a warning to stay back, just as the black mamba does. As you can see the beautiful golden tail is lifted like a scorpion and is able to squirt out a foul smelling and sticky liquid if the predator comes any closer making this one of the coolest geckos on the planet!

What a wonderful - and fun - training method.

It's called a Clam Slam and it's the mat's favorite event.

 Potatoes make french fries, chips, and vodka. It’s like the other vegetables aren’t even trying.




Yeah, I fell for it, too.

If you don't recognize that couch, I am proud of you.

Speaking of furniture...
It drives me up the wall that the glass doesn't come to the end of the table.




Classic case of not my job.

[verification needed]

This is all too common, yet we don't really give a shit.

 Gf: You're speeding!
Me: No I'm not.
Gf: What's the speed limit?
Me: The speed limit is the liquor store is about to close.
Gf: Drive.



The things we are going to find on other planets or moons are going to be awesome.


Vintage Razor Blade Sharpener
But if the blade doesn't move, how does it get sharper?



This was on a shipping crate.

Nothing worse than an American 'alcoholic' who enters rehab because they drink in a month what a normal British person would on a two-hour train journey.



RH: A perfect example of someone who "knows" she is always right and the other side is always wrong.



Growing a beard is not an act or an event. It's a nonevent...a not acting. If you don't take the time to shave and do nothing, then it will happen.


 Phil Collins used to be a sex symbol, in case you were wondering how good cocaine was in the 80s.



I find nature events fascinating.
I would sit and stare at that for hours.

But it is the extreme events, of course, that demand my full attention.
I show you what a hurricane can do to a rectangular skyscraper to remind you of the twisted buildings that solved that problem.

The winds are moving these buildings.
I knew that occurred in really tall buildings, but that building is brick!

I'm assuming there was a vent right there, but the storm overpowered it.

Where my family takes beach vacations it doesn't take a storm for this to happen. The five-mile-long island sticks out from the shore and nothing will stop the outward end from being eroded at an alarming rate.

Firefighters get their hose sucked into a 200 ft. tall fire tornado.
That's the goddamnest thing I have ever seen.
His wife asks, "How was your day today, honey?"

Me: I work from home.
You: OMG that's amazing. I want to do that someday! You're so lucky! 
Me: I also live at work.




I know you have seen these next two before...
But I was having trouble making quota.


1939 Plymouth truck with radial engine.
It's even got an airplane dashboard.













Anonymous said...

There is a sharpening stone spinning in the housing, the blade sets on it, then turns to hit the opposite side

Anonymous said...

I watched the bicycle thing over and over. How and why did that happen???

Ralph Henry said...

God hates him and his handlebars.

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