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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 9, 2018

FRIDAY #3603

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Lauren Underwood, Joe Cunningham, Elaine Luria, Chrissy Houlahan,  Jacky Rosen, Sean Casten, Ami Bera, Jerry McNerney, Tony Cardenas, Ted Lieu, Raul Ruiz, Dan Lipinski, Brad Schneider, and Bill Foster holds a Ph.D. in physics and worked in high energy particle physics at Illinois’ Fermilab. Foster is the only person with a science Ph.D. in the U.S. Congress.























You don't believe the claim? Well, try these on for size...

[through chopstick walrus tusks] Divorth?
( Hahahahahahahaha! )



Smart man.

The Three Stooges, in and out of character, the 1930s.

They look so...normal.


Who the fuck cares if an old man fists a cow? It didn't harm the animal.

So maybe this guy found such a place and is just chilling; there's no need to mock him.

(RH: Amen.)

Is this factual?
Hell, I don't know about its authenticity. But I do know that there is no such thing as a limit on ridicule that should be heaped on these fools.
That story of the state that dropped their immunization program because of the protest of crazy people scared me to death.

Creativity is harder than you think.
The visual artists must come up with images that have never existed before.
But then there are the conceptual artists. They don't have to produce an object, but it sure is easier to explain with one. I consider myself a conceptual artist.


We all know that in China, Japan, the Koreas and probably some additional nearby countries they use chopsticks. We know that in, say, France they use forks. It occurs to me that there is a place, a dividing line, where chopsticks usage stops and the fork usage begins...or vice versa. I wonder if there is a city where the east side uses chopsticks and the west uses forks. I would like to visit that place.

When your dictator buddy has been killing journalists for years, but all the sudden you kill one journalist and everybody is mad at you for some reason.

I tried to read the article but got confused, but apparently, the guy in the suit was tortured by the king and now he plays nice.

This guy portrays Freddie 

Mercury in the new movie and he's amazing.

Oh, hell no.
He could just plant some ground cover on the slope and never have to deal with it again.


I'm not exactly saying that the story of the woman hiding under the bush causes many Americans to arm themselves, but I personally refuse to put myself in a situation of begging for my life.

I wonder why this didn't catch on.
Very few moving parts, easy to load, and appears jam-proof.

Who else got a Ph.D. in imagining themselves in a situation that will never happen?



Knocking the valve off a compressed gas tank...
I hope all my warnings persuade you to be careful near those potential killers. That one could have taken off his head.

Yeah, it is fabricated, but you are forgetting something...

I think the player in blue got the yellow card! What's up with that?

Reason #4893 that I have been dissuaded from using public transportation.


Had this young man had an internet connection he would have known that this is a distinct possibility since it or something similar has been done and documented a million times on every continent for over a decade.

And when it comes to the combination of fire, accelerants and a camera then you are most certainly doomed to a life of pain and permanent scarring.

That guy had his fire explode and damn near burned his farm down.

And then there are the people, despite tens of thousands of documented evidence of it being a bad idea still put their lips near the mouths of an animal.
There's just no excuse for that.











1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#114: pails in comparison (pales)

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