One Of My Very Own




I bought you an elephant.
Thank you.
Don’t mention it.


My friends and I found an ancient bridge like this in the mountains of North Carolina.

I was the only one to crawl up under it to see how it was constructed.

I use to offer my kids $500 for every A on their report card. That sent the message that education in a priority in our household and it costs me absolutely nothing since my kids weren't that bright.



I like everything about this.
And further on the plus side, you can find old items...I call them treasures.
Memorial Day at Fort Bragg
Nobody wants to die for nothing.
But I'm sorry to say, every one of those 50,000 Americans killed in Vietnam did exactly that.


If you are aroused by dirty talk then your genitals are voice activated.

Leg Day silliness...

Clever girl.
Fads come and fads go. I can't say I'm displeased that almost nobody is photographing their food anymore.
That also goes for such catchphrases as like and you know. I'm not sure if tattoos are losing favor but I wouldn't doubt it.
I'm thinking extreme modification may be harder to kill off.
I have never understood the need some people have to look just like everyone else.
I know I harp on such things far too often, but don't put yourself in danger for nothing.



Remember the image of the ants toting the shrimp that I didn't believe?
He has no way of understanding this.
My bartender sent me this in honor of all the doll heads in my back yard.

I showed you part of this several days ago. The girl is "guilty" of making a joke about the Supreme Leader.
How do you spell Dystopia in Spanish?

The same people who want to ban abortions, don't want to give Americans health care. Think about that.
People who can't control their oversized pets are twats.



Clever girl.
Fads come and fads go. I can't say I'm displeased that almost nobody is photographing their food anymore.
That also goes for such catchphrases as like and you know. I'm not sure if tattoos are losing favor but I wouldn't doubt it.
I'm thinking extreme modification may be harder to kill off.
I have never understood the need some people have to look just like everyone else.
But if you want to be truly unique, follow this girl's example.
I know I harp on such things far too often, but don't put yourself in danger for nothing.



I'm going to teach my grandson to say behold instead of look. Let the good times roll.

Remember the image of the ants toting the shrimp that I didn't believe?
He has no way of understanding this.

And once he gets used to it he will one day come upon a real leopard who will kick his ass.
Microscopic water bear scratching its back like a real bear.
^^E3^^My bartender sent me this in honor of all the doll heads in my back yard.
At least he died with his dignity.
The best things in the world are either illegal, or too fattening, or married to someone else
- George Burns

I showed you part of this several days ago. The girl is "guilty" of making a joke about the Supreme Leader.
^^F2^^How do you spell Dystopia in Spanish?

The same people who want to ban abortions, don't want to give Americans health care. Think about that.
People who can't control their oversized pets are twats.


Okay, vegans, the ball is in your court.
I ran across a number of "Roast Me" funnies.
And this is why we MUST keep religion out of politics.
"I have never understood the need some people have to look just like everyone else." You mean, for example, having tattoos and a beard?
This Monday Punday took me way longer than it should have.
Hint - Printer ink color + one other word.
Solve is one word.
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