About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


One Of My Very Own


I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. My grandson is here so you know I'm in hog's heaven.
I want to remind you of a story about a Thanksgiving many years ago. We were all at my parents' home and before we began to eat my mother requested that we go around the table and say what we were thankful for. Each person said exactly what was expected of them then it was my turn. I said, "I am so thankful that I never got caught for any of those felonies I committed."
That stopped that tradition in its infancy.

Let review this father who stuffed a turkey with a chicken and told his daughters the turkey was pregnant.


That bastard!!



This man is about to zoom off. What stops his progress?

A. A brick wall.
B. A crowd of people.
C. His face.
D. The motor blows up.

C. His face.

Reminds me of this little girl...


 Iraqi protesters bring out lions to counter police dogs.



This is what it looks like when a country produces more meat than its citizens manage to eat - for five consecutive years. In the icy Norwegian cold stores, like this one in Rakkestad, this summer there were over 20,000 sheep that nobody wanted.

Wait until the end...
Even the dogs are terrified.
I bet you thought of this also...

Must be Texas.

The fastest way to panic a group of people is to tell them not to panic.


What's green and eats nuts? 



With election day coming up in the US, it's important for women to remember that their right to vote came only after a long and bitter struggle.
 And it's not over. Stupid sexist laws still exist.


Non-violence was the key to winning this struggle.
But as we all know, it was only a partial victory.
Check this out...please.

Why do people despise people different than themselves? Without diversity, life would get very boring very quickly.

We boomers have left the present generation with a whole new set of problems.

The U.S. spends far more on health care than any other country, yet there are people who say we can't afford to give everyone Medicare. No, what we can't afford is the present system.

It is impossible to work your way through college anymore. The textbooks alone would eat up your whole part-time job wages.

I just call it Dark Humor, but it's true that most millennials are a cynical lot.
I wonder why most of them don't take Timothy Leary's advice to "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out."


I've only joined two crusades. One is to point out the glaring flaws in organized religion.
 Just like every other religion, Hubbard invented answers to all man's questions and get this...IT MAKES PEOPLE FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES!!
For a while anyway.

I guess this is not so much a crusade as it is a voicing of my overwhelming doubt. And a personal plea for a thorough investigation.

I assure you that I am not alone in my doubt.

And yes I am aware of the futility of my rantings.

At least that horse didn't kill himself.


My mother once told me to wash my sheets before my girlfriend came over because "we don't want her to get pregnant just by sitting down."




That's just not right, Y'all. That's just not right.

Japan's Hayabusa-2 spacecraft has departed from a faraway asteroid and begun its year-long journey back to Earth with samples of the asteroid in tow.
It looks just like a charcoal briquette.
Wouldn't it be funny if in a year they studied their sample and it really was charcoal?!

Alice through the looking glass sculpture.

That's actually rather clever.

So he decided to find out if the book itself could be a hammer.
First he got some resin.
Then he coated all the pages together and clamped it shut. 
 Then he sawed out the hammer shape and it hammered nails.

Thanks, Train Company.

How very foolish.
By the looks of it, the fish are thrown fish regularly. So what happens if a small child falls overboard? And does it matter what kind of fish those are? If they can tear another fish apart then they can tear a small child apart.


Ladies, are you having a rough day? Place your hand on your heart. Feel that? That's a tittie.








When you think about it just the right way, most religions are based on aliens coming to Earth and fucking with humans.


You know that feeling when you are watching porn and you cum at the same time as the horse?





It's now owned by China.



 "The planet where women grow colored fur on their boobs is off my bucket list."

He must have a love/hate relationship with women.


Another tough year for the Detroit Lions.


Fudge Licker
You're welcome.














Anonymous said...

i always thought religion was an alien experiment gone wrong.

Scott James said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

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