One Of My Very Own
^^A 1-9^^

Suspects in police chases escape more than 35% of the time, according to a study by the International Association of Chief of Police.
Do you think he's really drunk or just faking it for giggles?
Heights terrify many people. But at least this guy is getting paid.
This person is paying someone to let her do it.

I just remember that guy walking across something similar and his safety strap came loose right when he reached the safety of the platform.
Traffic cones are used for your own safety.

Two girlfriends lighting a firework for the first time in their lives.

Did you notice that she took it with her into the back room?
I wonder what Mom and Dad had to say about that.
You think that's fake? I think that's fake.
"The instructions weren't clear."
After he became rather famous for such things Arnold was asked by a newcomer to the "sport" if Arnold had any tips for him. Arnold told him that the latest thing in international competitions was to scream as loud as you could with each pose. And the poor guy was, of course, the only one to do it.

Have you ever laid with your head on someone's stomach and listened to their fecal matter roiling around in there?
Very serious illustration for the modern age.
Well, why the hell not? I know a lot of people who identify as an attack helicopter.
Can we all just stop using words that have long since lost all meaning to modern problems? Providing all citizens with health insurance LIKE THE REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS ALL MEANS OF PRODUCTION...YOU FUCKING IDIOT!
Words are just words.
That's North Korea.
The internet simply refuses to let this die.

That news is dated but I've heard nothing about a continued investigation into who else is involved.
I couldn't agree more. When you give an award to thousands (it seems) of aspects of new cars then every model is almost guaranteed to win some "awards". And remember, if one or two companies always won the prizes then the others would stop buying the service.
[verification needed]
But his mask has been adopted and adapted for a more modern message.


Friday the 13th - Don't worry, Jason only kills people who are having sex.
I didn't know that.
Howard Hughes at the controls of radio-controlled model Spruce Goose.


That does not surprise me.
This may be difficult to explain without illustrations but several years ago I read a story about an intersection in Sweden that had many more cars on bicycle accidents than usual. Come to find out it was due to the angle one road intersected with the other - best of my recollection 63 degrees. Anyway, at that particular angle, the windshield post (above) blocked the driver's view of oncoming cyclists.

The only ramification for cutting out beer is that I lost hearing in my left eye.

Extraordinarily powerful image.

How the fuck do you cook an egg to make it do that? I'm guessing baked in a muffin tin.
At first, I thought the right engine was leaking fuel.
A woman needs these outfits for when the police come and tell her that her rich husband died in mysterious circumstances.
Reminds me of Goldie Hawn in Overboard.
Rather confusing signage.

Yeah, well that didn't look like his arm to me and that spray didn't look like food.

I'm assuming you have to ferry around the Darien Gap.
That is equal in logic than everything written in the Bible.
Watch the drummer...
1 comment:
I am pretty sure that the eggs that look so delicious in picture E2 have been poached - in a pan like this:
and then upturned and drizzled in sauce or gravy.
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