About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

SUNDAY #3993

One Of My Very Own







Remember this guy?

Well, he's been busy,


I bet that looks good on his resume.

A man and his joystick.

Thinking outside the box...


Look who found the cheat code...


Do you think he had a small crane? 

Want to guess what this is?

Flipped frozen pier

Sometimes the photograph comes to you and sometimes you have to go to the photograph.



I'm a chili, mustard, and onions man myself.

Survival skill mode: harvesting water from bamboo.
And you don't have to always remember to take a drill with you; knifepoint would do the same thing...if it's not staged.


Hangman is a great game to teach kids that if they don't learn to spell they could be put to death.



This classic illustrates that many mishaps are the victims' own fault.


Other times it is pure fate.

Most of the time it's a combination of both.
I think he saw her pulling out her Glock to put him out of his misery.

From bad...
To worse.

If any of you can't see the problem...
Show it to the man at the hardware store.

You can fuck up many things around your home...

But you can't fuck with electricity.


I'm not sure I would have the guts to do this.
But I'm glad he did.

Yeah, a cat could do that to me...

Once. Then the little bastard would instantly become an outdoor cat with one powerful hurl out the backdoor.


A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says why the long face and the horse says it's so when I'm eating prairie grass I can still look for predators.
(RH: I like that.)



Saving money by using the same actor.



Whatever blows your skirt up, I say. 

A big difference between correlation and causation. 

I did shit like that but only for really nice people. 

 Online dating sites in the 1920s.

I don't even bother to fake it anymore. 



When the box wine says it stays fresh for 6 weeks after opening.

Said, my wife. 


Well, that's just being straight with extra steps. 




Zuckerberg bath mat.



When my wife finally chokes to death on her laced Gummy Bears I'm just going to tell people she was killed by bears and leave it at that.



A WW1 Family Reunion
A Serbian soldier sleeps with his father who came to visit him on the front line near Belgrade, 1914/1915.
Reminds me of the Soviet mothers going to Afghanistan to bring their sons home.

From the article:
"The Peak Indifference moment, when denialism threatens to slide into nihilism ("OK, OK, I believe your story about declining rhino populations, but since there's only one left, why don't we find out what he tastes like?"). It's the moment when an activist's job changes from convincing people that there's a problem to convincing them that it's not too late to do something about it."

So, we are going to let the French take the lead on this investigation?


Because the teen had been upset and shouting and had knocked over a trash can.

"The dingo ate my baby."

There were many warnings left in the comment sections, including, "Lone, aggressive coyote during the day, probably rabid."

Frog legs - if cooked properly - are delicious.
I've never heard of them being raised commercially. I mean they eat flies so you could grow those flies on garbage that cost you nothing. And a dozen or so frogs would yield thousands of tadpoles.

I am 100% behind allowing women to perform any job at which they excel.
However, a fighter pilot must be extraordinarily aggressive - more so than any profession. I'm not sure I've ever met a woman that aggressive.














Kid said...

Not a Trump fan? So, you'd rather have shit loads of people out of work and 18 Trillion dollars spent on jack shit for America. Ok Got it.

Anonymous said...

Way too many great things but I especially like the woman tossing the paper towel roll!
Thanks for a great read!

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