About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


One Of My Very Own




Art by Abdulrahman Eid


Art by Cedric Peyravernay

I lost my virginity in a dental chair.


Not everyone realizes this, but if you save up all your receipts and stack them together it makes a tiny book about why you are broke.



Wife: Wanna try tantrum sex?
Me: You mean "tantric"?

Wife: Fine! We'll do it your way!

 Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that has been going for over 5,000 years, and means 'the weaving and expansion of energy'. It's a slow form of sex that's said to increase intimacy and create a mind-body connection that can lead to powerful orgasms.



And then this the sumbitch didn't include the recipe. 

 It comes with the book: "Scientology Secrets to Make You Eternal".
"...slashes membership fee to $300,000..." 


This took me a moment.


Evil Incarnate. 



The world will not treat you better just because you are a good person.



 She got 10 days in jail.




 Because of 53 deaths from measles, the Samoan government has declared a state of emergency and on Thursday is shutting down all the country's government branches except water and power, in an effort to fight the outbreak and deploy vaccinations.
The woman above left, Taylor Winterstein, runs workshops on the dangers of vaccinations with her twin sister Stevie (above right) and has 15,300 Instagram followers. The courses cost from $200 to $2000 per head.
 About the recent vaccination push in Samoa, she posted the hashtag # nazisamoa and the following statement:
“Remember when I said Samoa was TURNING into Nazi Germany?!.....
I will post it here AGAIN.
“If you want to be injected with vaccines, GO AHEAD, inject away.
“But UNDERSTAND there are DISTRESSED PARENTS in Samoa who DO NOT want their children injected with this toxic MMR vaccine and are LITERALLY HIDING in their homes to avoid Govt authorities.”


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


And that's why we only cook turkey once a year.


An Indonesia journalist, who was shot by the Hong Kong police and lost sight permanently on her right eye, decided to sue the Police.
Hear this woman tell her story.

He's lucky he didn't hit his head on each rung of that ladder.

Women and basic physics
 "Well, you told me to use a hammer drill."




Let's make happiness the new rich, kindness the new cool, health the new wealth, and inner peace the new success.



Yeah, well, we found that bricklayer who lied on his resume.

 It's a Hounda.

The Thinking Tree, Ancient Olive Tree, Puglia, Italy

Someone sent me this, and it hurts my eyes.
Did you notice that although with oddly placed dots, each side is consistent - meaning all the twos are configured alike, etc.


Phil the elephant tidying up the trash in the yard.

It was stated that this is not an ad campaign, nor is it staged. Phil was caught on CCTV doing .this without prompting.

We have officially come full circle.


Reminds me of the good ole days.

One tenacious motherfucker...


Does anyone know if this is really a thing?


A sport even I could do.


"Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity."

- T.S. Elliot



The World’s Worst Kitchen Designs


 All those millions of people who have to work their ass off BEFORE going to work.
Yeah, in Sri Lanka it is often referred to as that. But in my hemisphere, we have Mucho Pecho.

Baby moose’s first time on pavement.

You see the wonder of nature. I see a potentially fatal traffic hazzard.

British folks respond to American healthcare costs for the delivery of a baby.

"But we like our private insurance companies," say millions of Americans even as they know this shit happens every fucking day.
One guy tells us:
"I need a partial knee replacement after a failed reconstructive knee surgery 3 years ago. I just found out today my insurance refuses to cover it. Even after a peer to peer review with the surgeon. Hoping there are other options so I am not walking around with a knee the size of a softball. I pay for insurance, yet I can’t get the coverage I need."








 I gave up on this one too soo. Wait until the very end...






Scott James said...

Puzzle time = Long time no see.

David said...

Long time no see

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