About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


One Of My Very Own



Fire and Ice
 On the right is golf ball size hail.

Platypus extinction looms unless urgent action is taken

And you know about the flooding...

I'm not sure about that source.
[verification needed]


The Packers coach in the locker room at halftime...



So what do we do? We price higher education so high as to deter participation.
That is exactly backward. It couldn't be more diabolical if it were designed by America's worst enemy.

What more will it take before we are all alarmed enough to demand action?




When you get as old as I, you can say stuff like that and people don't even get mad.


Every person I have met who hates that word swears it was not learned behavior...which is just obtuse.

Finally, Washington is responding.


Speaking of...

M: I carry my Restraining Fluid at all times. It keeps me from killing stupid people.
Wife: That's a 5th of vodka.

M: Yes. Yes, it is.







 Imagine getting an Instagram notification and turns out a monkey liked your pictures.
That is amazing. 

But do you think to them it's like looking out a little window that you can change?



Payback is hell.

Me: *pees on her leg*
Her: *screams*
Me: What?! You're supposed to pee on someone when they sing!
Security: That's for STINGS.

Me: *not allowed within 100 ft of Britney Spears anymore*



We all like self-starters but still... 

What a wonderful way to make a living. 


When the officer yells "GET DOWN!"
"Fuck it, I'm going to jail anyway" - That guy probably 

Queen of the Crazy Cat-ladies


You would think he would have known that would happen. 

Teacher Gives Anatomy Lesson In A Full-Body 2020
Every teenage boy in the class went home and jacked off to that.

At least she saved her drink.

A young man with his own agenda.


My favorite part in Pretty Woman is her joy when he agrees to pay $3,000 for 6 days, effectively lowering her rate from $100/hr to $21/hr.



ATLANTA, GA—Churchgoer Jack Wilson shot and killed a mass shooter at West Freeway Church of Christ, preventing what could have been a much worse shooting.
But CNN reported on the event with the headline and caption "Trump voter shot a mentally ill man in a Texas church," causing some to question whether CNN might be a biased source of news. 

I watched a video the size of various objects if atoms were the size of tennis balls. Here is the size of a penny, but notice the intentional misspelling.



Engineer: A short circuit in the deer's nose could cause it to glow red hot. Yes, it's dangerous.

But should we recall, the most famous reindeer of all?



[verification needed] 

 No need to panic, but the red supergiant star Betelgeuse (yes there is a star with that name), one of the brightest in the nighttime sky, marking the left armpit of the constellation Orion, is mysteriously dimming, having lost 60% of its brightness across the past six months.
 The star Betelgeuse is so large, if you swapped it with the Sun, it would engulf the orbit of Mars and extend all the way through the asteroid belt. No need to panic, but at 700 light-years, it's the closest star to the Sun that will end its life in a supernova explosion.
 Betelgeuse was born about 10 million years ago — long after Earth's big dinosaurs roamed the land. But the star is now near death. No need to panic, but stellar evolution models tell us that it will likely explode as a Supernova sometime within the next 100,000 years.
Beginning late summer of 2019, the reddish star Betelgeuse has dropped from the 7th to the 21st brightest star in the nighttime sky.  No need to panic, but If it exploded, the flash would be visible in the daytime, and rival the brightness of the Moon for weeks.
Betelgeuse is the star's common name — Arabic for "Armpit of the Great One".  Its catalog name is Alpha Orionis. Two-thirds of all the stars in the night sky with names have Arabic names. An homage to their "stellar" navigational skills 1000 years ago, during the Golden Age of Islam.
Indeed, Betelgeuse may have already exploded —  now a ghost, a "dead star walking" across the Galaxy — with the light-speed signal of its demise not yet arrived here on Earth.
With stellar death comes cosmic rebirth as the spewed guts enrich nearby clouds with elements of life itself — carbon nitrogen oxygen — boosting chances that the next generation of star systems borne of these clouds will spawn planets such as Earth that cradle life such as ours.
Text by: Neil deGrasse Tyson.




Make that motherfucker president! 

Tumbleweed Apocalypse

This happened a couple of weeks ago but I heard that when their progress is blocked and they pile up, they stick together like Velcro.



Mock anti-vaxxers all you want but they’ll never have to deal with their kids during those angsty teen years or go broke paying for their college.



 ^^F 1-11^^






I concur. 







Scott James said...

Puzzle time = hip hop moguls

Steve said...

Puzzle: hip hop mogul

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