About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 12, 2020



Headlines juxtaposition drives me wild.
“Fed: you’ll have to boil shoes for soup.”
“S&P 500 sees a huge gain.” 
More interesting language...
Intentionally coughing on someone deemed “Assault With A Deadly Weapon” in Florida.
New York unclaimed dead being buried.
But not necessarily covid dead. 
Listen to what Morgan has to say:
 I wonder if they do that in my grocery store at night. 
And if not, why not?
 I would bet they are black people who believed they were immune.



No mask? No problem.
 That's a gas mask filter and that just might work.
Me watching the news recently...
I think it would be more accurate if it was a dumpster. 
They can't be any worse than the guys we have now. 
 The look on his face.
Please take a moment to check that your voter registration is up-to-date or register for the first time at: 
 Her eyes make me smile.

At this point, the chances of dying from my wife killing me are greater than from covid19,



Clean your stove and oven...
Teach your dog new tricks...
 Make one of these...
Play with your Praying Mantis...
This is a great illustration of how social distancing works.
It is a very large file so I put it down here at the bottom to give it more time to load. Hope it works.

Same old, same old. We feel good. We eat well. Sleeping all night.
I do have a request for my email. Months ago I lost my Gmail account and in the process of fixing it, it was erroneously changed to ralh. No big deal except I lost my entire list of contacts. So if you have ever exchanged emails with me, I no longer have your address. Would you please drop me an email and let me know how you and your family are fairings during these times of stress. Doing so will automatically add you to my contact list. Gary, Dylan, Gary, etc, let me know what the outside world is like. I invite my nephews to let me know about their families. Pics would be nice.
Stay safe, Gentle Reader.

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