About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Best advice ever...

"When we complain about shit being canceled we’re not saying “Wow I can’t believe you won’t let us do stuff” we’re saying “Wow I can’t believe we can’t do stuff because our government handled this so poorly and it’s never-ending because so many selfish people are still going around spreading this shit despite every expert in the world saying to S T O P.” We see why everything is canceled and we’re mourning our loss of freedom too but it’s different because we want things to be canceled so people stop dying. A pride parade is not worth lives and we see and understand that." 



Sanity prevails in the majority. 

But the minority of the clueless is going to make our collective suffering much, much worse.
 And here we are betting our future on the common sense of everyday Americans. May God have mercy on our souls.



Subway riders are all essential workers, you twat. 

Read that again.

Ask and ye shall receive...

 Can people really not exercise at home. Is it impossible to exercise without the machines?








100% vegan mask

Isolation marketing at its best...





Hone your Master Swordsman skills...

Fuck with anyone who dares to nap...
 That toy screams continuously when released.

Build your own R2-D2!

Let the wild yard critters entertain you...

Do that lame rubber band/melon thing...

Wife and I are thinking about ingesting Tide Pods to see what all the fuss was about.

Clean your room and entertain the kids at the same time...

Treat yourself to biscuits and sausage gravy...
Goddamn, that looks good! 

Make a clever video...

Cook fancy stuff...


Developed a work, nap, and eat schedule that is helping me get more work done. 
Wife and I have realized we loathe cooking. I think it's a manifestation of our recently acquired laziness. Anybody else experiencing that lethargy?
Sunday NYT crossword day. That will keep me entertained for a couple of hours. My record time was 43 minutes.

Stay safe and do more crosswords.

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