About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 One Of My Very Own










“I can think of no more stirring symbol of man’s humanity to man than a fire engine.”  

— Kurt Vonnegut












The entomology who named the fly was the laziest person to have ever lived.




“You’re a killer of art, you’re a killer of beauty, you’re even a killer of laughter”

- Willem de Kooning to Andy Warhol


I couldn't agree more.



Based on an analysis of 123 countries over a quarter of a century, the adoption of nuclear power did not achieve a significant reduction in national carbon emissions than renewables did – and in some developing nations, nuclear programs actually pushed carbon emissions higher.

I may have to adjust my assessment.

LA artist Neil Mendoza's work is known for exploring both the playful and absurd. 

His latest, made for The Children's Museum of Pittsburgh, is no exception. 

Truly a wonderful thing.


[verification needed]




Jetfoil landing in Tanegashima, Japan.

"This Boeing 929 vessel goes by "Toppy 3" and is pulling into the Nishino-omote Port. It's operated by Captain Tane Yaku Jetfoil and was manufactured in the Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Kobe) shipyard."

Very little drag. It more or less flies through the water.

As a supremely lazy man, I approve.


Luggage is for traveling, baggage is for life.

All things Ralph...


Should we tell her?
Do. Not. Drink. That.


What a wonderful thought.


A Life Well Lived

Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde met at a student party. The attraction was

immediate. But soon doctors diagnosed

Stephen with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a

the diagnosis that leads to atrophy of muscle

activity-swallowing, breathing, movement, and speech.

Everyone was scared, but not Jane: we

will fight and live together as long as we

are allotted! And they got married. They

were lucky, the first few years the disease

progressed slowly, they traveled a lot, and 2

years later they gave birth to a son, Robert. 3

years later, daughter Lucy. Stephen, by then,

was already confined to a wheelchair.

Jane was in despair. Every day, I had to be

torn between small children and a completely

helpless husband. Singing in the church choir was a breath of fresh air. The head of

the church choir, Jonathon Jones, showed

Jane the most sincere and warm feelings,

Jane did not reciprocate, she was faithful to

her husband. Then the enamored musician

decided to make friends with Hawking and

unnoticed for all became an indispensable

friend, assistant in household matters, in

caring for Stephen, in teaching children



That kind of speed would frighten me.

Notice the prudent tire tracks on the left going around the puddle. Those would be mine.


If it works it works.

The old horse kick to the head.

So, only one guy gets to use his forearm as a shield? What's up with that?

A new player has entered the game...

I'm assuming the oscillations of the wad shows laughter and not concussion spasms.


That reminds me of a female bartender I knew whose life goal was to work for Homeland Security so she never had any sort of social media account. Her slate was clean as it were.

How I feel all anti-mask retards ought to be treated.
In case that doesn't load properly: CLICK HERE

And interestingly I edited the gif to remove the man talking and my edit removed the loop. Now to see my edit you have to right-click to new tab.

He actually said that.
And now it's time for a...


When I think out loud it sounds nothing like Morgan Freeman.



Golden Girls




One of my all-time favorites...







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: casket/coffin

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