One Of My Very Own
After Puzzle Time
Living with your parents:
Pros - It's free.
Cons - Everything else.
Iowa state capital
This looks like the highway over the mountain down to Birmingham, Alabama.
Americans fight each other, the French fight any government action that does not benefit the people...all the people.
Listening to mom singing I Want To Hold Your Hand while holding mom's hand.
An extreme and successful example of social cooperation for the greater good.
Stop thinking this is just like the flu, it isn’t.
Stop telling me the survival rate so it’s not a big deal, it is a big deal.
Stop saying healthcare workers signed up for this, we didn’t. Stop ignoring science-based recommendations of masking, social distancing, hand hygiene, and not gathering in large crowds, they work.
Stop thinking that only unhealthy people with preexisting medical conditions or elderly people are the ones dying, they aren’t the only ones.
Stop being confident that if you get sick from anything, the resources to save you will be readily available, that may not be in this stage of the pandemic.
Stop believing hospitals aren’t being overrun because of the massive influx of Covid patients at this moment, they are.
Stop believing that doctors are profiting from this pandemic, they aren’t. Stop politicizing this virus, it’s a public health CRISIS.
Below is me after spending 5 hours inside a Covid positive ICU room working to save a patient. At this moment, I felt defeated because I already knew the outcome.
The inability to save a patient despite doing everything you can is mentally exhausting. Now imagine doing that on repeat for 8 months and counting.
Imagine being the nurse crying with your patient when they realize that everything we’re doing to help them STILL may not be enough and death is a real possibility.
Imagine being the nurse or doctor holding that same patient’s hand and stroking their head weeks later while their ventilator is removed because they haven’t improved and their family then says goodbyes and I love yous over FaceTime while they take their last breath.
Now PLEASE IMAGINE BEING THE COVID ICU PATIENT. The breathlessness, pain, fear, loneliness, isolation, anxiety, hopelessness, and sadness. The need to use all your energy just to breathe. The true realization you may not get better and facing your own mortality.
Please do not discount all the lives lost or affected by this pandemic any longer. We need to come together as a country, NOW. We need to work together, NOW.
-Carol Williams, ICU nurse of
17 years & mother of 4
I will accept Potato Placebo if it means anti-vaxxers start vaccinating their kids.
Things that are only fun when it's your turn:
How to strike a bell in a Japanese temple.
Ruyi Bridge in Shenxianju, Taizhou
A SpaceX Falcon 9
Shark statue located underwater at Lake Neuchâtel
Rubbing eyes on x-rays
That special machine on the slope seems manufactured for that one job.
If the clip doesn't open try opening it in a new tab.
Death Spiral.
When foraging for food, ants will follow pheromone scents left by the leader to maintain direction. However, on rare occurrences, the chemical trails may accidentally loop, causing what is known as an "ant death spiral" or "ant mill" with the insects caught in a constant cycle of trotting around a circle.
Unfortunately for the ants, entering the movement is almost certain death, as the individuals will pace until exhaustion, with the process even lasting days long while the victims slowly succumb and pile up.
Although the use of pheromones acts as a highly effective mode of communication throughout insect colonies, there exist evolutionary disadvantages with such as well.
Muskrats burrow into the bank with an underwater entrance, when the water freezes, they continue to follow their trails under the ice.
Before I learned about Mascara I thought girls cried in like squids.

puzzle time...put a "y" in front of each word and you get a new word. An "l" also works but lawning is not a common word.
Living with my Parents wasn't free. I had to start paying them rent money as soon as I turned 18 years old. I also had to buy anything else I wanted. I was making $5 an hour at the time.... many moons ago.
Puzzle time: you can add a Y to tbe fronr of each word. To make a new one v
All the words begin with a capital letter.
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