About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

SUNDAY #4449

 One Of My Very Own

I think I picked the exact right image for that caption.





I enjoyed this very much.





"Left An Eye Print In My Glasses After I Accidentally Punched Myself"



But go back and notice that if he had just stayed in the tracks of the other biker he would have made it without mishap...probably.

Florida boat launches require vigilance...

What you need is a good Gator Dog...

I did once while she was screaming at me from the window.



Use peanut butter.

Now that's what I call "offroad".

All seven of my viewers when my post contains no political content.






The lady who put that on her hair is going to sue. If she is successful it will open a floodgate of Gorilla Glue "accidents".

Would somebody explain to me how a magnet can do that? Aren't the caps aluminum?


I just got the covid vaccine and now I have perfect 5G connectivity on my phone.



Speaking of magnets...


"There Was A Small Hole In The Side Of A Trailer I Was Loading Today, Resulting In An Image Of The Street Outside Being Projected Upside Down On The Opposite Wall"

A perfect example of Camera Obscura which artists have been using as a drawing aid since the Renaissance. 


A girl hears new sounds for the first time.

I'm probably overly fascinated by such things because I have serious hearing loss.

The crosswalk is projected down onto the snow-covered street.



I'm not comfortable knowing that my movements can be traced so easily.


You know that feeling when you're hungry and all the food in the house requires cooking?



English Premier League football fans joining together to protest against Military Coup in Myanmar.

And my favorite...

Fuck the CCP.


Is it different for Trump to block individuals on a social media site and that same social media site-blocking Trump?



What a wonderful idea.

Man With Mustache

A heartwarming story I think you will enjoy.

I was once advised to never loan money to a friend or relative. Rather determine what you can comfortably give and gift it with no strings attached.


If you are 70 years old you have lived 10 years of Mondays.




Look carefully...


Then and Now! Three French soldiers at the top of Fortress Ehrenbreitstein in the back of the city of Koblenz. 

Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, on the east bank of the Rhine where it is joined by the Mosell.




Here's how to use a mountain climbing staff...
Here's how not to use a mountain climbing staff...

To avoid injury every single one of those has to function properly. Only one has to malfunction for me to end up in the emergency room.

This Art Nouveau Building Known As The "Het Bootje" ("Little Boat") In Antwerp, Belgium


"The Largest Size For Hellmann's Mayo Is Called "American Size" In My Country"


That guy is a door repairman and a very clever guy.

Look closely...








And each and every one of the believers in those various Gods KNEW that their God was the only TRUE god. Every. Single. One.
Because Mommie and Daddy told them so.





Can you find three differences between these two photos?
I hope you like that because I came upon dozens. It's the best I can do. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: hair bun, lace in pants (length), man's head behind woman in green shirt.

Anonymous said...

A1: I once found a human tooth while painting the closet of a house I had just purchased.

Anonymous said...

C@: And our main stream media spends an inordinate amount of time on Tiger Woods accident (15 min out of 30) and Lady Gaga's missing dogs........... pablum for the masses. And little if any time on Como's f ups.

Anonymous said...

A10....get with it!

Anonymous said...

C5: States need to establish it, not the feds. Stupid fed programs like ppl getting stim checks who don't need it. We need term limits.

Anonymous said...

and the brim of the man’s blue hat on the left

Anonymous said...

C2: Come on man they just have "a different cultural norm".

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