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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 9, 2021

FRIDAY #4489

 One Of My Very Own

(I have no idea what that means now that I'm sober, but I have vowed to post anything I put in the file. Let's just call it absurdity and move on.)





[verification needed]

The GOP has a new mascot...



"Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

- Babe Ruth



Remember when believers of a flat Earth, fake moon landing, Elvis being still alive, etc, were laughed at because they were kind of amusing? Well, now the Stop the Steal, Masks are Bad, No Vaccine people are killing people and it's not amusing anymore.

How do you teach people that their opinion or desire means NOTHING when it comes to facts?


I don't want to make this political, but it's hard to ignore that that the real dangerous stuff started with the Trump lies. He KNEW the pandemic was deadly but he continuously told us not to worry about it. He spurned masks and belittled the experts. And his worshippers followed his lead to their peril and the peril to the rest of us.


Please take a minute or two to listen to this guy. Unmute...of course.


People are walking around with someone else's heart in their chest, wearing a titanium hip joint, and who was cured of cancer who now don't trust doctors. Go fucking figure.


Some American voters actually still believe that.

This is pure delusion and ought to be treated professionally.


Tucker Carlson may have gotten away with that excuse but she was a lawyer hired to work for a client and she lied, got caught, and I believe she will lose her case.



And we know without asking that they are Republican.



If Qanon told them to do it they would surely do it.


I usually don't include who is supposed to have made the quote because I'm uncertain who said what.

Here's what an artist once said:
"The only problem with being poor is that it takes all your time."

If he didn't say it he should have.


It was stated that some drug addicts can taste the intravenous drugs.




And the results...

That is an excellent point. I think the difference is that people didn't hate immigrants in 1918. Also in 1918, we were smart enough not to blame the Spanish Flu on actual Spaniards. Not so smart today.



I really want to try those orthotic shoe inserts. My feet are fine, I'm just curious what life's like on the other side of the shoe-insert divide.






Where the hell else would a sign like that be necessary?


I think it's a mom carrying her baby.



Miss Yugoslavia 1968

I'm doubting she flew that Mig.


He gave away his last fuck during the last staythefuckathome order.


Charging is in the little bastard's genes.


Mount St. Helens disintegrates in an enormous landslide (1980)

There are islands that pose a risk of half of it sliding into the sea just like that. 


I don't care how much he is getting paid it's not enough.


That's amazing. And to think somebody designed that on paper (more or less) and other people approved its construction.




This will take years...

But you have to start somewhere.


Be careful and choose your life mate wisely...

I've written my wife's obituary:

This fine lady let her husband do things to her body that would astound most less adventurous women ...and she pretended to like it! This woman should have taught a class to newlywed brides or at least written a How-To pamphlet or two.


I like to imagine this is me dealing with traditions that have long outlived their usefulness.

"You want me to take off my hat at the table? No."

"You are offended by my language? Fuck you."

"You will pray for me? Thanks for nothing."



Being staythefuckathome with my wife for a year has allowed her to finally catch me up on everything I've been doing wrong for the last 30 years.



I should have learned how to weld.




If you insist on copying pop culture images and calling it art at least pick a cool one.

That one confuses me. There ought to be some indication of the existing windows that were painted over. Anybody?


I cooked more frog legs. These were MUCH tougher than the other batch and I don't know why.


Remember what I said about choosing a mate carefully...


Is it any wonder that back then women were thought inferior?

I mean those things were unhealthy.

What's up with women? They have 100% of the pussy. That's all that men want. Corsets, high heels, fake eyelashes...we really don't give a shit.

Then I ran across this bullshit...


Around Christmas time I had my 1st graders make a magnet thing for their refrigerator. One little girl burst into tears because "Our refrigerator is Wooooood!" I gave her a piece of tape.


It's true!


Who the fuck designed that?! And why?!


This carwash lets the kids use spray guns while the vehicle goes through.

I would have a hanging ball or some such for the kids to aims at.


That was cutting-edge technology back in the day.


Gather up used coffee grounds and put a layer of the mycelia from that pack on it, it will grow more mushrooms...or so I'm told.


Absolutely the Worst Rubik's Cube

I've painted with paint like that called Interference Colors.


For all you men who think holding a fishing pole is just too damn hard...





You HIT me.

YOU hit me.

You hit ME!


I almost didn't get that.








Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: T

Anonymous said...

C12 That is an excellent point. I think the difference is that people didn't hate immigrants in 1918.

I beg to differ - in the US we had internment camps for Germans and Italians for WWI in the Carolinas and all over the US in WWII. During this time the US outright banned the Chinese from after the Civil War to 1943.

Anonymous said...

B3: it looks to be a 2D overlay. https://www.arteleonardo.com/de/blog/388/the-wound-at-palazzo-strozzi

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