About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

SUNDAY #4491

 One Of My Very Own





The internet is having fun with thing guy.


When Gaetz and Greene 69 they give each other forehead.


Remember, this all began under the Trump administration.


Being gay isn't a choice, it's an involuntary thing that happens when J.K. Rowling decides it's your time.



I perused an article on interchange design and was amazed at the differences. This one takes up square miles.

Whereas this one has a much smaller footprint.

And this one left the buildings in the loops.


I twitch noticeably when a TV commercial says that if I call pithing the next 15 minutes they will give me a special gift then run that same commercial 24 hours a day for weeks.


America's vaccination plan is unparalleled in the world. Thanks, Joe.


I read that the health of a city's government can be judged by its potholes.

That place must be on life support.


Remember when Wyatt Earp banned guns in his city? I doubt Wyatt was a left-wing extremist bent on bringing America to its knees. He just wanted to save lives.


I posted this weeks ago and didn't understand it.

An alert viewer sent me this:


Well, here's another I don't get:

Maybe it's just absurdity which is fine with me.



So...ergo: most Republicans believed her so are they all unreasonable?


I have advised every young person I know to do whatever they have to do to buy a house.


People seem not to realize that we live in the safest time in human history.


One thing that I learned this year...


That has been posted before but nobody knew if there is a seed or some such glued to the back of the tabs. Anybody?


You give the companies that stand to make money from their fashion whims the power to invent the whims. Please think about that.


And artist's statement on rapist priests.

Rapist priest who were not punished when found out I might add.




Doing those other things won't kill your grandma.


I, too, have real problems with some fonts. Mostly I object to numbers that all look alike when not enlarged.



Did you ever wonder when that woman scientist was on the tour of Jurassic Park she took along a pair of those elbow-length rubber gloves used to explore up a horse's ass?


That's the way it used to be. Companies wanted to train you in the way they wanted the job done. Now not so much.


Said to be a hybrid. Anybody?



Self-imposed deadlines don't work for me because I know the guy who set them and he's full of shit.



I love laughter so much. We should all try to do it more.



Too late.

Think sex robots.


No one to play tennis with? Try this.

It works on the same principal as this old favorite.


But you have created an heirloom. 

I'm in the heirloom business and recommend it to everyone.

An heirloom is an object that has a story and the story is told every time the object changes hands. Think of how precious this heirloom is to the people who knew the person.

And the story accompanying the quilt involves this pandemic that brought the world to its knees. A story worth repeating - especially the part about the people who made it worse...on purpose.

Now that's a story worth passing down.


I don't believe him.

For decades I have been looking for Found Round Things on the ground over which I trod. I can't remember finding a single playing card.


I will throw a crossword away if it's too easy. I'm very good at them and simply won't waste my time unless it is challenging.


I'm betting the guy was north of 70.





Remember this?


Is it just me?


While searching for that last image I ran across dozens of images of these.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


That look on her face says 'I know exactly what you are thinking.

This expression says,  'I know exactly what you are thinking and you don't stand a fucking chance at this.'



During staythefuckathome, I finally got in touch with my inner self. That's what I get for buying Dollar Store toilet paper.



This 9' tall Shigir Idol, World’s Earliest Known Wooden Statue, Is Older Than Stonehenge 


I assuming it could help outdoor diners when it's cold or raining. Also it could keep the breath of pedestrians out.


Why give it a window?

*After thinking about it I have deduced the window is to check on the shark, not to give the shark has a view.


I saw floatplanes configured like that in Alaska.





The shadow of a cougar catching its prey in the superstition mountains. Only showing for a few days a year.

Does anyone know if that's true?



Something you don't see everyday.


A guy offered a stray dog Chicken McNuggets.

I have never eaten one...I saw how they are made.







I really, really like this one...





Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Buttermilk

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: I want to say Buttermilk

My twisted side wants to answer in the form of a jeopardy question:

"What are 2 things that Roy both mounted, rode and stuffed?"


D'Ascoyne said...

Just an observation. Ralph, in his evangelism for atheism, is way more self-righteous than anyone who ever tried to convert me to Christianity.

Ralph Henry said...


Anonymous said...

C3: The windows there's the shark doesn't go fucking crazy. Can you imagine being hauled down the interstate at 60 miles an hour in the absolute pitch black dark?

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