About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


If I lived near a volcano I’d just throw my garbage in there.



It's not just like the flu.

I heard a TV commercial that said they served Buffalo thighs instead of wings. I think that is a mighty fine idea.


With the news of the tragic surge in the crowd at the concert recently I was reminded of the last time I attended a football game.

I found myself in a corridor that was packed with people. I imagined getting trampled if someone just dropped a firecracker. So I eased my way over to the wall and backed into a recessed doorway until the crowd thinned.


It's been five weeks and still no cigarettes. I still find myself reaching for one where they used to be next to my recliner. 


For-profit prisons have the same problem as for-profit hospitals.


I have stated before that most people just bore me. One of the reasons is that I loathe chitchat like this...


I would add catch words like "sheep", "snowflake", "coolade", "patriots", "research", etc.



I am convinced that the anti-science people also believe that Wrestling and Reality Shows are real and unscripted.


We all hate taxes but it's just the way for us to pay for our country. The way to lower your taxes is to elect like-minded politicians - not overthrow the government.


You ever think about how there are people who can identify cars? Like instead of “brown truck” or “grey sedan” everywhere they go they’re all “that Mazda Myopia is turning left beside the 2017 Chevy Stigmata”. That’s so wild. It must be like seeing those colors only shrimp see.



 This photo was taken at the time of the discovery of Ötzi's body:

 His clothing has been analyzed. The majority of the samples originate from domestic ungulate species (cattle, sheep, and goat), whose recovered haplogroups are now at high frequency in today’s domestic populations. Intriguingly, the hat and quiver samples were produced from wild species, brown bear and roe deer respectively.

The Iceman’s garments and quiver are from an assemblage of at least five different species of animal. The coat alone was a combination of at least four hides and two species: goat and sheep. This result may indicate a haphazard stitching together of clothing based upon materials that were available to the Iceman, as ancient rudimentary leather is posited to rapidly deteriorate after manufacture. However, the leggings were composed of goat leather, which was also used in the manufacture of 4,500-year-old leggings from Schnidejoch, Switzerland. This result lends support to the idea that Copper Age individuals in the Alpine region selected species for specific attributes when manufacturing clothing. This may also indicate a functional choice of material based on flexibility or insulating potential.


A question used for the 2014 US Physics Olympiad team qualifying exam managed to stick around because it was so intriguing. 

If you hang a flexible but consistent rope underneath a moving helicopter, which of the above shapes would that rope take? I figured that would depend on other factors, but let's assume they are not carrying a piano or a rhino. Derek Muller of Veritasium decided to find out once and for all, so he hired a helicopter and a pilot to do the experiment. Think about how you would answer the question, maybe even write it down, and then watch the video.

[Skip to minute 4 - but first, guess the correct answer]




Explaining the Idiom "Dead as a Doornail".


Maybe it was just getting the kinks out of his improvised scuba mask.


Not me. We had one that looked like this. Nobody could explain the Indian.


"With their vacant eyes and enigmatic, toothy expressions, the 9,000-year-old stone masks from the area around the southern Judean desert are among the region’s most compelling and distinctive artifacts. Adding to that is their rarity: only 15 examples are known to exist. So, when the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) recently announced the discovery of a 16th stone mask, it grabbed the attention of archaeologists and the public alike—but also revived a simmering discussion on the authenticity of these unique objects.


Damn, that has got to hurt.



Although slime molds lack eyes, ears, and a brain, they are smart

They keep time: if blown with cold air on the first of every hour, by the third hour, they’ll retract just before the cold snap. They exhibit memory, remembering the locations of food sources, as well as problem-solving skills, completing complex mazes in search of oatmeal. They can even recreate the hyper-efficient Tokyo subway map when oat flakes—their favorite food—stand in for population centers.


Modern Shipbuilding


"Squid Game, or SQUID, [is] the latest meme coin sensation, inspired by the Netflix hit. It surged more than 230,000% in the past week to $2,861.80, according to CoinMarketCap pricing -- only to plunge 100% to less than half a cent as of Monday in New York... Squid Game’s boom and bust reveal another side of the crypto frenzy: The potential for demand to suddenly dry up, or worse, for developers to abandon a project and abscond with the funds in a scam known as a rug pull. Whether that’s what happened with Squid Game is still unclear, but even before the drop, there were inconsistencies around trading. CoinMarketCap posted a warning that it had received “multiple reports” that users weren’t able to sell the token on PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange.:


Why two types of toilet seats?

The code is followed by most public authorities, many public toilets feature open front toilet seats (also called "split seats"). The purpose of this seat design is to prevent genitals from contacting the seat. It also omits an area of the seat that could be contaminated with urine and avoids contact for easier wiping.


The bars are, of course, level and plumb. The only thing I can see different is the rotation of the tiny black and white squares. Amazing.


Me: But what about the time I saw 9 sets of footprints in the sand?

Jesus: Hey man it’s a public beach.






Said to be for getting the last Pringles out of the tube.


Some of these are real...

But I fear some of them a CGI...

^^C 5-9^^

Does anybody want to explain that to me?



Oh, hell no. I saw the movie!












I will never tire of watching that. Never.






You will need two small padded envelopes. 

Onto one of them you should write the address to which you want the test tube sent. It should be stamped with enough postage to return it to you. How will you know how much is the correct postage? You just put on the same amount of stamps that it will take you to send me the two envelopes. The envelope with your destination should be folded and inserted into the one with this address: 

Ralph Henry

728 Saluda Avenue

Columbia, SC, 29205

I will send you a small example of my artwork and you can pay me whatever you think is appropriate - one to a customer.

Any money I receive will be turned into dollar art.


Anonymous said...

A4: Proud of you, Ralh!

Anonymous said...

B7: Indian was there to tune brightness and contrast settings in B&W television sets.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B7 Anon, But why an Indian? They could have done that with any image.

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