About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 29, 2022

FRIDAY #4965

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




These people tried to take away your form of government! Why aren't you outraged? If you disagree just imagine how you would have felt if Obama had done EXACTLY the same thing except for all the people who stormed the Capital were black.


There are only two references to god and/or religion in the entire Constitution and both are negative.

All that "In God we trust" and "One nation under God" came along much, much later.





This guy voices his observations...



My wife wants a nice china cabinet but instead of dishes, she wants it filled with her favorite bongs.


"Matilda" is the story of Hermione if she had been raised by the Dursleys.



Anti-union workers are the perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome.











I have officially run out of enough serenity to accept things I cannot change. There's simply not enough fucking serenity to be had at this point.


Credit scores are astrology for landlords.



Is a bullfrog's mate a cow frog?


Can you spell obsession, buoys and gulls?


I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here. Anybody?




Did you notice this?






Well played, Target, well played.




My wife was feeling ill and I observed that her face looked a little hoary. I should not have used that word.


The nurse took two vials of blood for testing and I told her I wanted the blood back when she was done with it. And that's when I learned that nurses have no sense of humor.



If you read an article titled: 

"The Ultimate Case of Friendly Fire Casualties"

What do you suppose it would be about?

Answer later.









The real Blowfish is from my hometown and I taught a bunch of their children.



How would you describe the plaid shirt's job on your résumé?

Quality Control Specialist?

Did you notice that several of them appear to listen to it?


Recognize her?

Here's a hint...

And lastly...


In America, you could get shot doing shit like that and they wouldn't even press charges.



Amsterdam police get help from some dude

Just like stupid horror movies - when being chased by a wheeled vehicle GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!


Mirror Song

-sound on-


Tom Cruise Antics

-sound on-


Ultimate Case of Friendly Fire Casualties

There were American prisoners of war in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.



I think why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


Things weren't simpler when you were young. You were just too young to know about a lot of the world's problems.





I watched a very interesting documentary that made a very strong case for the X shape being the most likely shape of the cross on which Christ met his end.


Well, they are technically pre-cooked so you would really only have to heat them up.


I can't wait to try this...

...with my wife's car.


The art of seduction


Removing the pebbles from your tires reduces road noises.


Laser Welder

That looks easy enough for even me to use but I bet it costs like $8M.


The Egg and The Sparkler

Well, that ended a little too soon. I want to know if it cooked the egg.


Fibonacci Clock



They fuck with other animals a lot.


Have you ever shared a meal with my wife?



I had to Google it and it's real.












"These people tried to take away your form of government!"
The Democrat Party is crammed full of Marxists, and Cultural Marxism, hidden in plain sight.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, I have never seen a Democrat who even hinted that they wanted to take over the means of production. But, yes, many of them think that workers uniting in a labor union is a good thing.
Please let me know what you think Marxist goals are.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
26 minutes
Chad needs 25 minutes to chop 25 boards and Hunter will require an additional 1 minute after Chad has chopped the last board.

Anonymous said...

Love you Ralph, but I’d watch your blog more if you left out your delusional politics. BTW: extreme left is Fascism (full government control); extreme right is Anarchy (no government). But it makes the left feel better to use terms like Fascist, racist, various other name calling. …controlling one’s thoughts and not allowing counter thought = Fascism. That’s what your beloved Democrats have failed to realize and the center is tired of it.

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