About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


One Of My Very Own







How a woman’s organs move during pregnancy.

How do the intestines still function?


I think that has to do with those cups that fill from the bottom up.


If I were starving, I would eat human flesh without giving it a second thought.


What could it be?

Head rubs?

Head waiter advice?

Headquarters assignments?

Head Master homework?

*I think they knew exactly what they were doing.


It all started with this.

I was around 6 years old when I learned that my mother's church drank grape juice and pretended it was the blood of their Savior. I asked if Jesus drank wine when he invented the ritual then why didn't they do the same and was told Jesus taught us that alcohol was considered evil. And the only reason he drank wine was that the water would have made him sick. 

It didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now.


Proud Boys/Goodfellas Mashup

-sound on-



If you stare into a mirror in a darkened room and say, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" then a disgruntled bartender with a septum piercing will appear and tell you to wait your turn that he heard you the first time.


Studies confirm that 100% of men would eat any fruit given to them by a naked woman.

- Adam



I saw that very thing in a Smokie And The Bandit movie!


My prayers have been answered.


Devil's Tower rises 1,267 feet (386 m) above the Belle Fourche River and features the world's largest example of columnar jointing. A sacred place to over 20 Native American tribes, the Tower is also known as Bear Lodge.


Is that the solidified core of a volcano?


Banksy confirms seven new murals in Ukraine






Probably seized under civil forfeiture and put to work.


The world's cheapest pickup truck, just $2,000 on Alibaba


Rust Protection

A woman I know bought a car down here in the South but knew she would be moving back up North where she was from. So, she paid for an undercoating to protect it from the salt. When she went back to pick it up she wandered into the maintenance bay and found the salesman spraying the underside of her car with a can of black spray paint. She was livid and let everyone within earshot aware of her displeasure.


Movie Magic

Model of actress Barbara Alyn Woods who played Mayor Michelle Cross in the Chucky TV show.



The biggest test of my patients throughout this entire pandemic has been opening a plastic produce bag without licking my fingers.


Cooking together is NOT romantic, MOVE out of my fucking way!



I think she arrived early to order for a larger group who would arrive later.





I seem to remember that is how they take highland cattle to the vet.



Why not build it while erect?

And maybe the ladder on the street is too short.



And we harness that to turn turbines.

I read that there are no more rivers in the US that can be used for hydroelectric power.


The good old days when you would hold mom's cigarette so she could zip your jacket.


^^C 9-10^^


Einstein proved that light was affected by gravity with this mental exercise.

Imagine a beam of light entering a hole in the side of a stationary elevator. It travels across the car and strikes the opposite wall at exactly the same level that it entered.

But an accelerating up elevator is a perfect gravity simulator. Couple that with the fact that light has a speed and he knew that as the light traveled across an accelerating up elevator the beam of light hit lower on the wall.


The Female vs The Marine


Combing The Desert


I wonder if the dog is panting on purpose because it has learned it calms the baby?



I don’t mean to brag but I stopped eating an incredible meal because I was full and didn’t need anymore.


Marriage is 33.7% hiding to eat snacks because you and your spouse are supposed to be on a diet.





A few days ago I posted a still of this guy and now I know what the had done to himself. No word on why he did such a thing.


There's always that one guy...


She died doing what she loved most - tempting fate in the most insane way possible.


I would be much more impressed if he was not the one to manipulate the first square.


I thought she had amazing form until I saw this one...

^^D 7-8^^

I love my Green Bay Packers...

...but I'm not doing that.


In the USA, in CPR classes we're taught to check their wallets for an insurance card before starting chest compressions.



This took me much too long...

I thought it was a bullet.


Ben Stolen

-Listen Carefully-










Borys said...

The woman was so suspicious because the man knocked the door. One doesn't knock the door to enter their own room (assuming they live alone and some other conditions hold true).

I was waiting for this day. It is the first time that I can solve the "puzzle time" section (normally it doesn't make any sense to me as I don't even get the question most of the times). But everything is different today. Finally my Ph.D. in Theoretical Cybernetics payed off.
I'm done here. Now I can rest in peace. =)
Just kidding.

Henley said...

Puzzle - if it was the man's room, why did he not use his room key to enter without knocking? Take that Columbo.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the human will to survive would over take the instinct not to eat another human, like in crash sites or Franklin's lost expedition. Also those humans that behave like dogs remind of that feral kid in France when they tried to make him behave like a human being because he was raised with dogs, or was it wolves I kind of forget the intimate details to that, but learning it in psychology was interesting

Anonymous said...

If the man was genuine he might be knocking so his wife or whatever, would let him into their room.
More likely she was on a women only floor in the hotel.
Though in the current gender exotic environment who can tell what he might be identifying as.

Anonymous said...

I've knocked on my own hotel room door too many times to count. Not that unusual but, since he went to the elevator, he was probably on the wrong floor?

Anonymous said...

After b8:
You wrote:
"The biggest test of my patients throughout this entire pandemic has been opening a plastic produce bag without licking my fingers."

My solution is to go touch the shelves of the refrigerated vegetables in the mister section.

Works every time.

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