I attached three new items and only have one corner piece left to attach. The corner pieces are BY FAR the hardest and most time-consuming.
I didn't think I was going to be able to use the old fan because of the hump in the top middle, but I found a void under the hinge piece to accommodate it. I like big pieces.
I spent the rest of the evening arranging and rearranging items to fill the remaining spaces. It's like real-life Tetris and it's my favorite part. After I find something that fits a space perfectly, I outline it and go looking for another.
I now have every item I need to complete the box arranged on the lid above its location.
You may not have noticed - but I sure did - that there are no more metal items to cut. I HATE cutting metal.
BTW my wife thinks this is my finest box to date.
I miss laying out under the stars. Kids today may never be able to gaze up and have it dawn on them just how small we are.
Until we do something about Citizens United, we will never get our country back. Imagine being so rich you can donate money to the campaigns (bribe) candidates in both parties so that no matter who wins you insure they won't fuck with your obscene wealth.
Has anyone tried unplugging the United States and plugging it back in?
Imagine if people still took last names from their trade like Fisher, Smith, and Carpenter, and then you meet some guy introducing himself as Ted Talker.
I nap after lunch every day. And every day upon awakening my wife asks how my nap was. I have been making up little stories to help her understand. Today's story went like this:
Mountain men were very important to the expansion of the United States. Besides charting rivers and trails they became friends with the tribes they met along the way. Sometimes they would be out in the wilderness for years but when they got back to civilization they had a hot bath, a hot meal, and then they took a nap that was just as fucking amazing as the one I just took.
*that is not me in the photograph.
If all the world is a stage then someone in casting needs to be fired.
I think the golden rule for men should be: If you're a man, don't say anything to a woman on the street that you wouldn't want a man speaking to you in prison.
One of my dearest friends worked on movie sets. He's dead now but I will never forget all the things he taught me.
I've posted several charts that were almost that awful.
I can almost guarantee you that I know more about the bible than that guy.
"How was your commute?"
Look very carefully...
I thought it had two heads then I remembers they have a camouflage coloring on its leg that looks like there was another animal with them.
Oh, but it gets much cooler than that. The eye is the width of the nose. The mouth is two eye widths or from pupil to pupil. The neck is as wide as the outside corners of the eye. And the ears go from the eye line to the mouth line. And the coolest part is that the eye line is halfway between the top of the head and the bottom of the chin.
Remember with BLM tried to set fire to a church in DC? Yeah, well, that was a white guy who had nothing to do with BLM also.
Dog Refuses To Walk
That's what happens when you don't teach them when they are puppies that they really don't have a say in matters like that.
Of course, all bets are off if the sidewalk is hot and it has blistered its paws.
Hot Garbage
I bet they are trained to do that. Maybe there's an alarm to let them know if their load is ablaze.
Cattail Filter
Y'all might want to write that shit down.
Crow Puzzler
When my daughter the rocket scientist was young I NEVER helped her solve problems. Once when but a wee lass she was attempting a puzzle just like that one, got frustrated, and looked at me. I but shrugged. A few more attempts and he threw it across the room. Minutes later she tried again, mastered it, and looked at me with a look that said, "See, I don't need your fucking help." She kept that attitude for the rest of her very successful life.
The Downside of Diversity
A Harvard political scientist finds that diversity hurts civic life.
A massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
SOURCEDid you ever start masturbating and say, 'Nah, that ain't it, maybe I'm hungry'?
You can't unmarijuana what has already been marijuanaed.
A rather accurate description of Folio Olio...
I notice shit like this all the time.
I could imagine a box like this.
They are making these very expensive little toys more realistic.
A guy who travels for a living has a hobby of photographing the hallways of the hotels in which he stays. This one seems odd.

I have issues with today's one of my very own. The girl is four years old.
Maybe I'm missing the punch line somehow.
Puzzle. Time: Each set describes the set that proceeds it. So 11 is 1 one.
21 is 2 ones
1211 is 1 two and 1 one (21)
111221 is 1 one, 1 two, and 2 ones.
Therefore we need to describe 111221 in the same manner.
3 ones, 2 twos, and 1 one. 312211.
To be honest, at first I thought it was the Fibonacci series since each of the series can be solved to one, to, three, five, eight. And I expected the final missing series to somehow resolve to 13.
But the hint told me it had nothing to do with math so that helped.
C14: What a shocker. Those of us with a little common sense knew that without a Harvard “political scientist” doing a “study” and pointing out the obvious. That is how common sense works. All of Europe is finding out the hard way.
^^C11^^ Better a pile of burned up garbage in the road than a burned up truck. This things are expensive.
I have a suggestion for your next box.
Over the years, you've expressed interest in different types of clock faces. I think the sky could be the limit for possibilities. Think of old cuckoo clocks, pocket watches, schoolhouse clocks, that first LED watch everybody had in the '70s, etc.
Some could even be functional if you wanted.
Dear Suggestion Anon, Thanks for the idea. I've put it in my ideas folder for consideration.
In western Montana there are herds of cattle that look like that horse on the left.
We called them Oreo cows. I don't know the official name
D1 Anon: Belted Galloway is the name of the cows you describe.
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