OOMVO made it past our quality control board without being flagged for lack of any perceivable redeeming quality.
We should try harder.
I've added four items to Stack Box.
The wooden speaker was a piece of cake, but the blue and yellow metal box about killed me. It has a double lid - which means the blue lid opens one way then the top half of the yellow section opens the other way.
I had to make the side of the black electronic component out of wood which meant I could cut it to line up perfectly.
Playoff games tomorrow so I don't know how much work I can get done.
<>Of course, he did, Sparky.
The final level of being smart is just pretending you don't know anything to make your life easier.
Alcohol consumption will make you believe that you are whispering, but I assure you you are not.
That's a great idea.
I would like to see cities fill their parks with fruit trees free for the taking.
I have immune deficient people in my family so I understand that perfectly.
"The instructions weren't clear."
- the installer probably
Every time I see something like that I think of that brand-new Mercedes sedan pulling a plow across a German field.
And we STILL don't know if he made it.
Sorry, buddy, but you are not allowed to touch a referee no matter what.
Imagine if they had had those scaling Pointe du Hoc on D-Day.
30-day Facebook jail is now referred to as Metapause.
Imagine if your printer was also your car. That's what owning a Tesla is like.
If girls had a dick for a day.
Apparently, those actually exist.
*Verification Requested
Does. Not. Compute.
Cause a regular chest just isn't hard enough.
Nice to play with but nobody has the time to use it for bulk coins.
This straw forms a whirlpool when one drinks from it.
I wonder what the foldback is made of.
Interesting PSA
I will pay money for a rational explanation for that.
I'm completely convinced that fast food tastes better when eaten in the car.
In Swedish, the word "gratrunka" means to cry while masturbating. That they have a word for that tells us a lot about the Swedes.
I almost missed the hazard presented here...
My dear friend, Billy H. was a Marine in Vietnam. The North Vietnamese overran his firebase and he survived by hiding under the bodies of enemy soldiers who had fallen into his foxhole. Even though he was "shot to shit" (his words) he managed to crawl off into the jungle when it got dark.
Anyway, he told me that when a squad went out on patrol they always took a light-duty machine gun.
It was such a valued weapon that every man in the squad carried extra ammo for it.
Now they do it differently.
That is so very dangerous. If one falls and knocks off the valve it becomes a rocket.
"My Grandad has lived in Auckland for most of his life (now 92) and has never seen flooding like this before."
That's what happens when weather patterns are disrupted by a couple of degrees of heat.
And the water was fast-moving.
Some things look dangerous but aren't...
Legend has it that that guy is still spinning the snake because he doesn't know how to lower it without being bitten!
I guess he didn't want to harm it otherwise he would have just slammed the snake's head against the door frame.

The Doomsday Clock has never been so close to midnight as it is right now.

*I haven't a clue.
A9: I don't get it.
B3: Where I live, Orange trees are a dime a dozen and people can't even give away their extra fruit because no one wants it. They are also VERY messy trees that you have to constantly clean up after. I cut my two big Orange trees down and planted a Shamel Ash Tree in their place. The birds are happier now too.
Dear A9 Anon, It might be shot down.
^^C1^^ This is from a hilarious British comedy panel show. I often need to have subtitles turned on in order understand the comics being funny at each other in various English dialects. It's called 8 out of 10 cats does countdown. I recommend it
C-1 .................This is Countdown
Countdown is a British game show involving word and number tasks that began airing in November 1982. It is broadcast on Channel 4 and is currently presented by Colin Murray, assisted by Rachel Riley, with resident lexicographer Susie Dent.Wikipedia
Genre:Game show
@n2prenr. If you're going to use a name that effectively means "Entrepreneur", then at least get it right. It's Definitely 8 out of 10 cats does countdown as Rachel Riley would NEVER put on something as funny during the "Proper" and FUCKIN' BORING old people's, countdown.
B9: That was CLEARLY an accident if you watch it closely. The Ref is a CUNT!
That bloke banging nails in with is Cock-hammer is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Bwahahabahahahah
Dear Burg, The ball can hit your arm by accident and you still get a handball call. Your job is to not touch the ref and if you do so by flailing your arms about in frustration, then too bad you get a card.
I'm not sure I understand the whole first paragraph. Sorry.
B10 you'd get shot down cuz your hands are too busy navigating. I learned that from YOU.
Dear B10 Anon, Pointe du Hoc was a sheer cliff that they had to scale with ropes. The ropes required both hands. They were sitting ducks. The jet pack would at least allow them to be sitting ducks for a shorter period of time.
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