I once posted that and said something to the effect of: "Well, that's the way I do it. My secret is to get completely exhausted. I set a goal for every day and work my ass off to accomplish it."
I didn't post that as a request for everyone who reads it to do the same. It's just the way that works for me.
The same is true for any and all "advice" you read on Folio Olio. It's just my opinion. I might write "I hate Nazis" but you Nazis out there may not agree with me. I might opine that we need to take EVERY measure imaginable to protect our children in school and you might think that doing nothing is the way to go. Either way, you don't have to tell me every single time you disagree with me.
All I ask is that you pick up your opinions and beliefs every once in a while and study them very carefully and weigh them against what's good for only you and what's good for everyone.
*Verification Requested
Put your fucking phone back there.
Normalize calling some babies ugly cause I'm tired of lying.
"Passed on" can mean both perpetuating and rejecting.
Anti-government protest in Tel Aviv
A persecuted people flock to a new homeland and immediately start persecuting the people who live there.
I'm reminded of concerned citizens who put a stop to freak shows which resulted in hundreds if not thousands of "odd" people being thrown out in the street with my way to earn a living.
I was once commissioned to paint a mural in a firehouse and I watched those guys and gals practice various skills all day every day.
Befriending such animals is a very, very bad idea.
It's almost like everyone must hate someone. I try not to. I don't hate Russians just because their leader is a homicidal maniac. I don't even hate Nazis just because they have little tiny dicks and nobody loves them.
You can't use outliers as proof of anything. That goes for climate change as well as vaccine side effects.
I seem to remember that those machines create a very powerful magnetic field that aligns the cells in your body and when the magnetic field is shut off the cells go back to their normal alignment but in so doing emit a tiny electrical discharge. It is these discharges that are recorded by the sensors.
Or something like that.
This phenomenon is called a coalescence cascade.
Let's all hope that when the war is won, the Zelensky government will be strong enough to rein in the extremists.
When the Trench is Flooded, but You Still Need Ammo
"Hanging up" can mean you both putting on the line and getting off the line.
"Fighting with" can mean you are an enemy or an ally.
I always wear blue denim shirts and have for 50 years. Any time I meet someone who is also wearing a blue denim shirt I say, "Nice shirt" - every time.
I think that's wonderful, I really do, but how did he get in it?
Twice in my life, I have stopped in a bookstore on the way home from a movie to buy the book on which the movie was based: The Shining and Forrest Gump. Both books weren't even similar to the movies.
Larry McMurtry would only agree to the movies of Lonesome Dove if they included every single word of dialogue precisely as he had written it.
He realized the couldn't carry two cases of beer with the crutch so he did what any man would do.
This woman wants everyone to know that she is just fine living alone.
As petrified as a deer in headlights.
When your neighbor tells you that you can have one carload of free wood.
My guess is that her pallet jack broke so she borrowed one from across the street.
People decide to live where they have to deal with this every morning for months.
Off to school, we go...
Having this daily chore BEFORE you go to work...
Meanwhile, I've been working in shorts for the last week.
But there are some neat sports you can only do in such an environment...
This lady made a conscious decision to be a News Lady cause how hard could it be, really...
Your wife has been kidnapped and is being held in a location 30 minutes away. You're driving to rescue her. It's a warm night and your windows are down. Do you listen to music on the drive there – yes or no?
First of all, DO NOT address me as "Honey" if you're coming to tell me you just shrunk the damn kids!
Somebody added a little bit of sunshine to everybody's day.
Because holding the cookie is too much trouble.
When in Germany, we used to come in late at night and work together to put a little of everything in the kitchen in scrambled eggs and it was delicious.
Planning a route to transport these things must be head wrecking.
Notice the guys helping clear the sign.
They say it's called Candle Ice and I wonder if the same physics are involved in forming these inside a volcano.
The internet asked, "What the heck is that?"
The best answer was:
"Just a regular apple and very small people."
But seriously, what the hell is that?
It's a cock ring with a camera.
All national anthems are technically country music.
Cougars talk a mean game until you get them in bed and they're like "Ouch, honey, don't push my legs that far back".
Dog Jump
Highly Motivated Dog
Pet Snake
Suicidal Deer
Chronic wasting disease, it's pretty fucking scary, and has been attributed to stories of "not-deer."
The Intruder

And that, Gentle Readers, is why you insist that your children wear helmets.

lol that life of monty is gold, "he has a wife you know"
D-2 Brilliant! Its attached by magnets. You can slide it down the glass and completely dunk your cookie. It wont have an Achilles heel!
C12 - Serene Branson suffered a complex migraine with aura. People thought it was a mini stroke.
B5 You should listen to an old Kris Kristoferson song
Jesus Was A Capricorn
Part of it goes
"Everybody needs somebody to look down on
Someone they can feel better than
At any time they choose"
A1: You should try that.
A8: Sounds about right coming from MSM.
A13: I can better stomach a guy using a hooker than showering with his teenage daughter.
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