About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


One Of My Very Own

*That was a repost of one of my favorites.








The prevailing belief that Nazis are bad.


"Hey Sarge, what do you want me to do with these Superior Race motherfuckers?"


Do any of you viewers ever ask yourself why the "Fake News" isn't sued much less sued and admits guilty?




I was what we used to call an "Accident Prone Child". When I got my hair cut short in the military my scars made my scalp look like a road map. My brother once said that if all my stitches fell out at one time I would fall completely apart.


They are not ending abortions.

They are ending safe abortions.


I had a long talk with a member of the Voyager advisory panel and he said that they learned something new from EVERYTHING Voyager sent back. Even if Voyager found out that nothing happened in that location is it new to us.


NOBODY teaches for the money.


How would you conservatives react if Ginsberg's husband had made millions of dollars representing clients that appeared before his wife's court? Be honest.

All I ask is that you be consistent with your condemnation.


I've often said that mixed breeds are the best pets.



BULLSHIT!! Some of the best food I've ever eaten was in Boston. My daughter was attending college there and knew where to eat.


Life goes on.

Until it doesn't.

It is okay to make mistakes.

It is not okay to lay on your death bed ruing all those things you were too afraid to attempt.


As soon as the thought occurred to me that I could own a bar I knew I had to try it. I told doubters at the time that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what would have happened had I taken the chance. I felt the same way about graduate school, becoming a muralist, writing, etc, etc. My point is, if you don't take chances you will never know, and not knowing can be tragic.


I'm not exactly sure what she is trying to say, but boy is she passionate about it.



News Flash: Antman and The Wasp were found dead in a Roach Hotel.


I'm not sure what my spirit animal is but I'm confident it has a perfectly logical explanation for licking his balls all afternoon.



I believe her.


How long must they have waited to get that shot?


Speaking of...

It must be very vulnerable while doing that and the backward angle of the fins must make throwing it up impossible.


Because he can that's why.


He told his daughter 'Don't tell anyone that your father is a janitor, they will laugh at you'.  She posted this photo.


A wooden vending machine in Japan.


Very unusual baseball plays: #1

Very unusual baseball plays: #2

Cap Guy




Queen Freddy
-sound on-

I think we all need to see and hear that about once a month.


Wrench Making

Vent Holes


Packaging Pro


Raking Pro


I could watch them cut stones every day.

I may be wrong but I think the trick is finding the flaw in the stone.


One of the most honorable stories to come out of WWII

The rest of the story here:



I always liked parent/teacher meetings so I could watch the teacher's expression when my wife dropped countless F-bombs.



If you are bored you can simply close your eyes and watch yourself throw a 747 like a paper airplane. It's free and the cops can't do a fucking thing about it.




Kelly's Heroes

I really enjoyed that movie but I had a hard time reconciling a WWII tanker who talked like a 1970s stoner at the commune.

But then there was this role...

I bet he practiced that expression in front of a mirror.



Yes, it was a failed success.




I just put my socks and sandals next to the door to show them I don't fuck around.


Here's a close-up of the confusing part...




Mirth Murder

A perfect segue.



Superman is not a fantasy about how good it would be to have power. It's a fantasy about what it would be like if someone with power was good.


Wind chimes are a sound investment.




It was stated that a lot of that stuff was taken to England to protect it. My jury is still out on that.




Mammary Mayhem


Buffy saved the day...


Do not trust Ea-Nasir brand copper.

The quality is substandard.

If you don't get that here's an aid:


There are two types of women...

I'll give you one guess as to which type is my wife.


Sound Effects


This tourist offers an elephant a banana and then pulls it away...

Who fucks with an elephant?


This must be a buttload of weight.



A famous artist once said:

 "The only problem with being poor is that it takes all your time."




Religion - where logic goes to die.




Movie Hybrid


Anonymous said...

B2: that image took me way too long to figure out what it was I was looking at. I did not immediately notice it was a reflection.

Anonymous said...

You don't need a flaw.

Anonymous said...

A lot of that stuff would have disappeared or been destroyed had it not ended up in the safety of a museum. Just look at what the Taliban (or was it isis etc) that destroyed all those statues and artifacts, that stuff would have been better off in a British museum. I can think of other examples as well.

Robin said...

Your Batman cartoon doesn't have a reference ID, but I love that I know those lines are from the spoken intro to the David Bowie album 'Diamond Dogs'.

"This ain't rock and roll. This is genocide."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Robin, Thank you, I did not know that. I just thought it was a cool thing to say.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time...
Children of the Bourne?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Puzzle Guy, Yes!

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