A truly magnificent movie. There was one scene where hundreds of belligerents were fighting hand to hand and he just ran straight through the melee. It occurred to me that in that situation he knew that the only person who mattered to each man was the man directly in front of them.
How many pictures of people on horseback can we be shown without just throwing up our hands and quitting the internet?
I'm also enured to misspelled signs on streets, translation errors, chalk drawing on the pavement, falling from stripper poles, full-court basketball shots, upside-down houses, misaligned windows on buildings, and of course, cats.
Oh, yeah, I'm also tired of watching people touch sharks.
^^A3^^And some people still believe that.
Are you ready for this shit?
You MUST train your dogs. They are dangerous and will hurt someone without your vigilance.
Egocentric: Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.
There are some selfish pricks out there, Gentle Readers. I don't know what did it to them but so many people think empathy is a weakness.
"Let's own the libs by destroying the whole fucking planet if we have to because it might cost me some money."
I've forgiven myself for a lot of shit by realizing I am not that person anymore.
To be honest, I don't know that's true. I do know profits are up for many reasons but higher prices and lower wages seem to be the reason.

Urinal cakes ARE NOT candy.
Sleep is just a fun-sized death.
I thought we photographed one for the first time only recently.
This is what the fossilized skin imprint of a dinosaur looks like:
This is a map of where you can find Venus flytraps in the wild:
That's right down the road from my house!
This map, from 1507, is the first map to ever label America as "America":
This is what the Oval Office looks like completely empty:
This is the death mask of Sir Isaac Newton:
This is a tiny, pill-size camera that you swallow so that doctors can get a...well, a very intimate look at your digestive system:
This park has its benches on rails so you can always find shade:
This is the first picture ever taken of an image broadcast on television:
Kind of looks like Sir Isaac Newton.
One panel of glass survived the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. This is it:
Do me a favor. Think back to 2003 - not so much to remember what exactly you were doing, but rather to try to feel how long ago it seems to you.
Well, when I arrived in Europe in 1965, World War II had been over only 20 years - the same amount of time as from now to 2003.
When I was there these Tiger Teeth (what we called them) were still relatively clean and bright like teeth sticking up out of the Earth. There were miles and miles of the tank deterrents that you could see stretching across the landscape.
This is the last photo taken from the surface of Venus, 40 years ago. The Venera-14 lander reached the surface in 1982, lasting 52 minutes in Venus' temperature of 450°C (847°F).
A worm is a pretty disappointing prize for getting up early if you ask me.
Life is just a series of obstacles preventing me from making my art.
Sounds like something someone who shit their pant at McDonalds in 1997 would say.
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I asked my wife to share her queen-size blanket and she said it was already at maximum capacity.
They should never call it a "tornado watch". I would suggest "tornado run and hide".
They all have the same advantages/disadvantages.
Speaking of...
Why doesn't he just move the tent closer?
Mouthing Lines
The special tool has been in his family in constant use for over 100 years.

notalotofpeopleknowthat is an excellent site, which counters climate change misinformation. Try it.
PUZZLE TIME. Never Gonna Give You Up. (Opposites) You've been "Ricky Rolled". XD
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