About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 One Of My Very Own





^^A 3-4^^

Get it?




Why isn't the other skater casting a shadow?


Medicinal or cosmetic?


There is no one I would trust enough to hold that rope.








I used to get up multiple times to pee then I took my doctor's advice and curtailed my fluid intake an hour before bed. It worked.






That was the EXACT opening sentence of a novel I wrote. It was about the laziest man on Earth.




Can we assume that all the boats on the river are more or less the same size?









I read that that was the torture method of choice for Mexican drug cartels.


4 Wheeler

-wait for it-


The Power of Concentrated Photons.


Water Slide


Whale Lunch







Anonymous said...

A8: he is obviously a vampire.

Anonymous said...

A8: because he is the cameraman's imaginary friend. Everyone knows and imaginary friends don't have shadows.

Anonymous said...

A9: It's neither medical nor cosmetic.
He's allowing his daughter, or granddaughter, to put his leg hairs in little baby ponytails.


C4-Bill Gates and the Scottish government are two parties who are busy chopping down masses of trees, all in the name of the Climate Change religion.

Anonymous said...

A8: I'm guessing that his friend is moving faster than the speed of light, and he, the cameraman, is moving just under the speed of light.

Bubba Pordlaw

Anonymous said...

A8: The reason for the person having no shadow is quite simple.
We are observing these two beings through the eyes of a Trafamadorrian.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
Please don't tell me that you don't believe the evidence of a looming climate crisis.

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