About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




Did you notice the pole went up through the truck?





When my brother brought his girlfriend to dinner she was asked to pass dishes so often the only child girl couldn't eat. I have four brothers and sisters so I was used to eating with one hand and passing dishes with the other.




Baby on board. I saw a department store display of a dozen or so boards when all made a statement. One had photos of governors and was "The Board of Governors". The boards were all decipherable but now I can't remember any more of them except "Board of Education" showing universities. Can you think of any more?






I painted a mural of that exact image in an old textile mill converted into a shopping center.


Fucking fools.





If that was in my neighborhood I would sneak out at night and properly arrange a few bricks until the job was complete.


I had a bartender argue that American football and baseball players would be better at soccer than soccer players would be at American football and baseball. Thoughts?





Oldest Living Thing On Earth. Methuselah, A Great Basin Bristlecone Pine, Is 4,853 Years Old.






What Lightning Does To Sand



Comparison Of Actual Distances On The Mercator Projection Map


A 3300-Year-Old Wig

Yes, you read that right! This is the wig of Merit, wife of Kha, found in the tomb of the couple (TT8) in Thebes, present-day Luxor, Egypt. The wig was beautifully constructed of human hair. The wig can now be seen in the Museo Egizio, Torino, Italy.


A Man Standing In The Lumberyard Of Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing. 1939



Alexander The Great, Based On His Busts And Ancient Accounts Of Him






Ladder Truck


Snake Lady


The Human Voice










Ron said...

These boots are made for Walken (Christopher)

Anonymous said...

If that was in my neighborhood I would sneak out at night and properly arrange a few bricks until the job was complete.

Why sneak out at night when you can do it in broad daylight.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B6 Anon,
Less chance of getting run over by traffic.

Anonymous said...

^^B4^^ The holes in the seats suggest the fans must fart a lot.

billr said...

^^B7^^ The American sports ball players would collapse, out of breath, and probably die of a heart attack after 5 minutes of sustained running around on a soccer pitch.

Anonymous said...

B2 If you took the clot shot, you're the fool. Sad.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B2 Anon,
Please explain what you mean and be sure to include your medical degrees.
I don't have a medical degree, so I take the advice of people who do.

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