About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 One Of My Very Own


I've reached a rather major milestone in my life. You may recall that I referred to my last large box as The Devel Box because so many things went wrong with it. Well, I decided to work smaller and make a box with dollar bills wrapped around 5/8" dowels used as building material. I used spray adhesive to secure the bill to the dowel but then coated it with many layers of clear coat. The problem was what to do with the dowels while they dried. So I invented a hanging system.

I toyed with screwing hooks in the end but that would have taken forever, so I just stapled the end and pried up one side so it would slide onto the drying rod.

Then once on the rod, I would coat where my fingers held the rod.

The end result was beautifully glossy.

But then the problems started. I cut parts of the box to the wrong length. I used the table saw and cut pieces the wrong width. It dawned on me that the problem with Devil Box wasn't with the box - the problem was with me.

It's still a good concept but I don't trust myself around power tools anymore. An end of an era as it were. I have a woodworker friend that I may hire to build the rest of the box...we'll see.




I'm not sure I understand what's happening to the end of the barrel. A scope may be on the side of the rifle.



*Viewer Contribution




What must she have done?









I like it.



I read that AI is starting to steal from itself and getting worse.




   After modification...



*Viewer Contribution





Why in the ocean? To save land space and cooling.










Jet Propulsion









*Disappointed in that one? So am I. Please send me puzzles. Better yet send me sites where I can steal at will.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand what's happening to the end of the barrel. A scope may be on the side of the rifle.

The tip is a silencer, on the top rail you have a laser/sight mounted, on the side you have a flashlight.

Spam4phil said...

re-written history

Anonymous said...

lmfao dude that skateboard scene reminded me of my ex when she tried skateboarding and she fell str8 on her azz

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