About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 12, 2024

FRIDAY #5497

 One Of My Very Own



Not bad for a country without a navy.


We are past fuck around and have officially entered the find-out.


He's blind, of course.


Water or ice?


I "hear" this every time...


I watched a documentary about how even a small dog can tree a bear.


Meanwhile cats...


"No, I'm fine."
















Finally found one in slo-mo...






The military conducted a huge study to find out who is absolutely indispensable during a war and concluded it was the guys who purified the water.





Angry Eye


Dog Toy

My brother had a very smart dog who had a basketful of named toys that he would go and retrieve by name. Then my brother bought a frog, put it in the basket, and then asked the dog to "Go get the frog". The dog turned the basket over and within minutes brought the frog even though he had never seen it before. My brother deduced that the dog didn't recognize the name Frog so he brought the only toy that he didn't know the name of yet.


Ice Fun


Insane Cyclist


Panama Canal


Speed Kills


The Dive

-sound on-










Anonymous said...


We're bombing terrorists with the aid of middle eastern countries. Why do we let terrorist sympathisers into our country?

Fardygardy said...

puzzler: Sex Tapes

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