About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 15, 2024

MONDAY #5500

 One Of My Very Own



*Viewer Contribution



Another example of a beautiful young woman pressing a crease under her butt cheek - a trend I do not understand.


   The more things change...


How do they keep them from toppling in the wind?


How very wonderful.



I understand the need for speed but why don't they just get dressed in the truck on the way to the fire?





See anything odd?









What happened?



Do you know the logical explanation for this?

When I owned my bars I would paint quarters with fingernail polish and use them in the jukebox to encourage patrons to play more songs. When they cleaned out the machines I got all my red quarters back.

I did the same to practice on my foosball table - the table on which I was only beaten once. 


That is what you criticize when you have no valid points to make.


Notice how her breasts have been rubbed to a shine.


Another GIF that keeps on giving...


The nasty comments have ceased now that I block Anonymous. It's easy to be an asshole when nobody knows your name.



*I'm curious as to whether my European viewers get that.






Trump On The Economy




The Games Men Play


Alien Humor










Anonymous said...

A3 - She's "presenting ". It's like when they push their boobs together.

Anonymous said...

A9 - There are multiple reasons for donning the gear prior to boarding the apparatus, the most important being that the seat belt would get in the way.
For the record, the guy in the video is quick, but he cheated: among other shortcuts, he failed to place the suspenders over his shoulders before donning the coat.

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