About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 15, 2024

FRIDAY #5560

One Of My Very Own 

*You can thank me later.





Well, not never. Once in my neighborhood a moving van backed up the driveway of a couple who both worked, four overall-clad men got out, and took anything of value in the house. Elapsed time 30 minutes. No one called the police.

That's probably true but boy don't it look photoshopped.

Every Wednesday I ate a hamburger steak in the same restaurant with with same brown gravy. Then one day they served onion gravy and I hated it. Luckily for me, there was a local chef at the other end of the bar who went back to the kitchen and made me gravy that I liked.

I used to eat that once a week. Now I've switched to Sweet and Sour Shrimp.



I am so thrilled to have had so many wonderful people in my life. Hopefully, they know who they are and how I feel about them cause I'm not very good at expressing it in person.

My favorite saying was that I've spilled more paint than most people have applied.

*BTW my caps lock froze on this post only. What's up with that?




Good Works

Tumble Weed









John Blackthorne said...



Eric Smitt said...

Re:John Blackthorne said...

This is the mentality of the people you are dealing with, old video but illustrates perfectly why things will never change and my lack of sympathy, truly sad,


Danny Newey said...

Thanks for putting me in the OOMVOs, Ralph. Brings a huge smile to my face and I laugh a LOT. Cheers. :)
PUZZLE TIME: No, I can't. XD

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: there are so many ways to solve that brain teaser. Here's one.

3! + 11 + 13 = 30

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