One Of My Very Own

*God I love language.
It was stated that the truck just happened by.
This is why you never fight strangers.
But what's up with his ankle.
Another example of rationalizing something stupid with "We've always done it that way".
These guys showed up at the Golden Gate Bridge.
If you got it flaunt it.
*Viewer Contribution
I don't get it.
Fire Dog
For starting back fires I assume.
Tesla Test
I didn't know any car had that feature.
Truck Migration
"You can't park there, mate."




*I know some of these are far too easy but my file is dangerously low of material.
I don't get it.
Programmer joke, "It's a feature, not a bug"
Bug in this case being a VW bug.
That's stupid, so much for their global warming concerns.
A8 that's his flip flop slid up his leg as he was struggling to get the dog or some such.
Fork in the road.
C9: Dude tries this and films it - breaks his finger.
C7: I would have said CREATURE FEATURE
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