Imagine for a moment that you are frolicking on your favorite nude beach when you have an urge for a Mai Tai so you meander over to the cabana but you have no clothes on which means you have no pockets - no pockets no place to secret your cash.
What you need is a Cash Holster which straps onto your thigh so that your Mai Tai needs never go unfulfilled.
[ shown here on their display stands ]
All joking aside - I predict a hung jury.
I've had many conversations with a "food scientist" who worked for McDonalds. He spent most of his time figuring out how to add cheaper ingredients without degrading the taste and/or appeal.
Is it long enough to lie down in?
I'm a big fan of nuclear energy.
As I understand it, the sun is poised to start a very destructive phase.
Superb situational awareness!
Don't tell me what to do.
My wife sent me this.
Dress Like Your Spouse
Old School Off-Roading
Sound On

Puzzle Time
Changing of the guard.
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