About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's football time and I root for the University of South Carolina, since I live in Columbia. My Gamecocks play tonight...home game, plenty of traffic and puke on the sidewalks.
I bet on football games.  As strange as this may seem, I have never lost a bet with a bookie.  I've made five wagers for rather large sums of money and won every single one of them.  I bet in other ways too.
Once a few of us were gathered in a local bar and we turned the TV to the fish channel, then took bets on which side of the screen a particular fish would swim out of.

At one point a guy slapped the side of the set, I called a foul, and he had to pay up.

One of the most famous things to take place in Columbia is that Michael Phelps smoked a little dope at a party here and got busted.
Once I pitched an art proposal for a downtown empty lot not far from where he partied, but before I could bring it to fruition the lot was sold to developers.  The image below is not mine, but it is exactly what I wanted to do.  Stonehenge recreated (to scale) using old appliances.
Nowadays you can't throw a dead cat without hitting a Stonehenge made of something or other.  I like this one.....England?
At one time I was very poor here in Columbia.  All I had to cook in was a popcorn popper.  It warmed soup and boiled water fine, but the frying of the bacon and the scrambling of eggs took some practice.
I am a very happy man.  I like to laugh and I like to make people laugh.
But I am passionate about some things also...like injustice and the slaughter of innocents.

If you have forgotten to whom the above poster is dedicated, then fuck you.  I will never forget.  And it all comes down to my old friend religion.  People will argue religion with you almost as ardently as they argue football.  Everyone thinks their team is the best...even when it loses.

Clarence Darrow called William Jennings Bryant, his adversary, to the stand as an expert witness during the Snopes Monkey trial.  After being completely befuddled by Darrow, Bryant blurted out, "I don't think about things I don't think about."
Darrow asked if he thought about things he did think about and the reply was...."Sometimes."

I would have taken this test in a heart beat.  And if they happen to be working on the Sabbath, I would have stoned them...or at least made the effort.

Everybody wants something to believe in.
As if life and all the beauty is not enough.  They want to believe that they are on the winning team...no matter how absurd it is.

Making fun of another team's mascot is funny...
Someone making fun of yours.....not so much.

But unlike a sport, being on the wrong team in this game of my god is better than your god can have disastrous consequences.

Then there are the friends and family that I send to the other side of the globe to keep the game fair...at least I like to think so.

One of my very own...

(Sorry for the downer post, my friends, but that poster of Neda set me off)


Anonymous said...

one of your best today.
your wife

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me of F's sister -- she got a 20 year sentence last month for "religious perversion" or some such BS and called us from prison a week ago to check that WE were ok!

I feel for Neda too, but at least she's beyond misery now ....


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