About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This girl was the star of a viral video, showing her throwing live puppies into a river.  Read on...

These are supposed to be the rescued puppies...I can't be sure, but the old woman looks Bosnian and the puppies are dead ringers (no pun intended)...

( I like silly shit like that)

If you don't get this...ask your husband...

There is a joke here somewhere...Ya'll help me out will you?
Okay, I have it!  Imagine the room is dark, you have a new girl in your bed and she suggests that you put on that oral sex light you told her about, then you get into position and when you click it on this is what you see...YOU WOULD THINK SHE HAD ONE OF THEM MIRROR PUSSIES YOU READ ABOUT IN "MERCENARY MAGAZINE"!!!!

How to remain unmarried for the rest of your (non)fucking life...

( I bet you read that in his voice just like I did...)

Haircuts that make a statement
...and that statement is...I have no job and no girlfriend (or at least one who can control her bowels).

That's my boy...
...I'm wondering if he's charging 5 cents or paying 5 cents...

Even if it were true, would you tell ANYONE? Even your closest friend, much less the entire television viewing public?

(I captioned that myself)

This next one is true...

(most of us have complained about our children's friends, at least once.....)


One of my very own...

NOTE: The only way I could fix that awful spacing problem in my blog posting from Friday was to delete the whole thing and start over.  I went to the HTML edit tab and found that for some reason it had uploaded every font code in my computer.  Oh, well.

1 comment:

Abby Kent said...

They speak English in What??

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