About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 6, 2010


There is an artist who takes prints of famous western paintings and drapes them in faux burkas...just to make a point...


Pretty good way to teach anatomy to...oh, just about anyone...

The three favorite people to lampoon on funny web sites frequented by young people are: Hitler, Putin and Kim Jong-Il, of North Korea...at least they are paying attention to something besides their own genitalia...

No comment...

No photoshop this....but why do you suppose they put it there?

I can state as a fact that I've had sex in a VW, but........

Poor dog....

I know it's silly....but as the title suggests....I bet you've never seen it before...

These near perfect balls are made by rubbing different types of soils....for a long, long time...TRUE
They can even be made from dung...TRUE

This is a 3-D map of the virus that causes the common cold...

This is factual....(now is a good time to say "WOW")

When the date was set for me to marry my present wife, the teachers at my school (overwhelmingly female) demanded to give me a wedding shower.  I demanded that it be held at Rupert's bar.  Many of the "gifts" were similar to the images below.

(background information)
1. I don't hear out of my left ear, therefore I have no idea where sounds originate.
2. One of the gifts was a penis sheath shaped like a devil and it had a small device in the tip that played "When the Saints Go Marching In" when pressed.

Then, months later, I was getting ready for work and in the process of finding my underwear in the dark (I didn't want to awaken my wife) I accidently activated the device.
I had no idea whatsoever where the sound was coming from and assumed, erroneously, that it was a cell phone ring tone.  I searched and searched until the weak batteries ran down.  But trying to convince your boss THAT was why you were late to work was a whole nother challenge.

This is obscene.
This is not only NOT obscene, but exemplary.  To post this sign and call this vandalism is extremely short-sighted.

I've presented several of this artist's works before...this one is 13 miles across...
I have no idea how he accomplished this feat on this scale....and I, of all people, should.
The little cylindrical structure in the lower right is a hug building.
I'm assuming that is snow.

How to make things even worse....
"Let's play "Can you spot the drunk man".
"Okay, momma, there he is."

A visual example of YOU ARE COMPLETELY FUCKED....

One of my very own...

This is not a political site.  However, it is a advocacy site for good old fashion logic and rationality .  Therefore, allow me to vent:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to like Glen Beck. His book, Arguing with Idiots, is a good read.-Mel

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