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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(as opposed to the nepenthe I normally post)
TRUE:, During his Monday Night Football appearance, Brett Favre (who has sexual bullshit charges pending) was just charged with a five yard penalty for "pulling out too soon". Absolutely factual that.
My doctor once told me that there is an epidemic of depression in America.
I'm sorry some of these graphs are dated, but still interesting I think...

If most of us commute 40 or so miles with one occupant per car, why not have a very small one person electric car with a 100 range.  I would suggest a special lane just for them.
"Americans are not gonna conserve. We are not gonna shift to smaller cars. We can't-we have big, fat kids."
This is a very sophisticated illusion...(answer to be highlighted below)
If you try to fail, but succeed, which have you done?
When someone says that they support our troops, most forget that these are our sons, nephews, uncles, husbands, friends, brothers and the female equivalents.  It will change them forever and we owe them....we owe them.
Do you think that either of these men give a shit about the color of the other one's skin? Even though the one knows that his grandfather was called "Boy" by the grandfather of the other. We, as a people, need to get way beyond that ancient blot on our character.
TRUE: I don't know what it says about me, really, but sometimes when I'm feeling inadequate, I take solace in the fact that I am one of the few people on Earth who have held a nuclear warhead in their hands....literally - in my grasp like an extra large basketball. And at the time I was in total awe of its potential power...and now I'm scared to death one will go off in Charleston.
This is what most Europeans think of Americans.
Why?  Read on....
...but be careful.  Take rape. I contend that rape is higher in the countries listed due to the fact that they have more "reported" and/or "prosecuted" rapes, not the actual occurrence of the act.
I have said often that we imprison more people than other countries not because we are more lawless, but...write this down....WE ARE OVER-CRIMINALIZED! We, the land of the free, make shit illegal that great portions of the world just don't give a damn about. Of course there is the biggest stupidity, drugs, (the war on which we lost a long, long time ago) but why are these other things illegal: prostitution, euthanasia, fucking a goat, women showing their breasts, having a football pool in your office or any other type of gambling, growing hemp (not even the drug type), and declaring that at the age of 18 an American can vote, serve in the military, and be charged as an adult with a felony, but they will be arrested for drinking a beer. I lay all these "crimes" squarely at the doorstep of religion's irrational influence on our governance. Free doesn't mean that you force everyone to do it your way; it means that everyone is allowed to do it their way, as long as they don't harm another. And I say if the goat likes it, then it's like a win/win, so get the fuck out of my barn without a warrant.
A real life example of how lawless we are: TRUE: A man and a woman in the town of Gastonia were making love in a car in a parking lot "near" other people and were arrested for "Crime Against Nature" and were charged and spent the weekend in jail.  Think about that a minute. Then check out this image from Europe.
Yeah, they're fucking and yeah, nobody gives a shit.
This is a few of a futurist's predictions for the next 10 years.  Read and think...
Go back and read #35 again....it is my manta.
"Riding the Gravy Train of Material Inequality."
62% of likely US voters believe that the feds are actually encouraging illegal immigration, only 22% disagree, and 16% didn't understand the question in English.
Take a stab at figuring out what you are supposed to do in this room. (I have provided the answer in white font below in brackets...just highlight to read)
 [ This is on Concourse C at the Milwaukee Airport and it's a place to "put yourself back together" after going through security. ] Very clever...even humous, that.
And what's up with all the opposition to body screening in airports? Worse case scenario is that your blurry body image will make it on line for people to laugh at but nobody will know it's you. On the other hand you could die a fiery death at 40,000 feet. No brainer to me, but I'm actually proud of my body.
Interesting trying to figure out who did and who didn't...
TRUE: Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web.
( which reminds me, someone sent me the fact that 10/10/10 in Roman numerals is XXX, so late happy Porn Day )
This is very interesting....
A dog on a chain is very sad.  Some folks want the owner locked up for it.
But these same people will do nothing about the human slavery trade that is epidemic...
....and let men fight dogs and people will scream for imprisonment...
...yet hardly bat an eye when they read that humans are being beheaded all over the world.

I love animals...except cats...and probably will never live without a dog protecting my home and keeping me company, but no matter how much I love them I know they are soulless creatures who would pack up with their friends and track me down for food if the shit hits the fan.  Sorry.

After years of refusing, North Korea has finally agreed to cooperate with Google Maps....

You need to read this one....you really do....
(The "D" markers are in a cemetery....which I don't doubt.)
One of my very own...

(ps: I thought that the North Korean thing was hilarious)

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