About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 11, 2011

People Doing Things Unusual

Somebody ought to be able to explain this images to me...
Any takers?

Yes, that's a DeLorean, and, yes, it's a DeLorean trailer...


So the International Day of the Chick advocates fisting...
Interesting, that.

Some times people wear things that put them on my unusual list...

But unusualness is not just an American thing...
Here's some images from Libya....enjoy....

Speaking of shooting....
( did you catch that last one? It's kind of subtle)

Well, don't we all?

Weirdness is not a new phenom...

This is the saddest photo I think I have ever seen....jeeeeez!

Yes, he is on an airplane, and, yes, that is ear hair...

Speaking of hair....this man was arrested halfway through his haircut....TRUE!
But by the look on his face he doesn't seem all that upset over having his stupid mugshot send to millions and millions of people all over the entire globe.

Hey, Bubba, watch this...

This is the photo on a man's grave...HIS GRAVE.....


I want to meet this girl...

Hell, yeah.....I mean...HELL YEAH!!!!

Kids can be forgiven for such......stuff....

But, no.....no, no, nooooooooo, NO, NO, NO!!!!

Okay, this is unusual,  but it's also cool as fucking shit...

There ain't enough fucking money....

Pay attention!
This motherfucker (the only black guy in the photo) saves the old honky bastards and....AND....doesn't even spill his beer......

Beer Belly
Leather vest
Sun glasses
Baseball cap
Fat wife...wth tattoos
John Deere tractor
Mag wheels
Dual exhaust
Cow skull
And............Cow bell.
Yeah, I'm the coolest motherfucker in the whole fucking parade.........ask Ralph.

One of my very own...


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