If you don't recognize this guy, it's okay...it really is.
Not your normal wedding photo.....
Pay attention boys and girls....it's going to get weird....
Now look guys, I might have done some.......relaxation exercises on that long stretch of I20 on the way to Atlanta a a couple of........dozen times, but this guy....I mean, shit, he needs to work on his technique....big time. I mean everybody knows you can EITHER mess with your junk OR drink....you can't do both....unless you're on I95. Then all bets are off.
If the Cincinnati Reds were the first major league baseball team, who did they play?
A couple of images for my friend, Jack.
Men will bet on anything...ANYTHING!
Why do we press down harder on the remote control even though we know that the batteries are weak?
Strange image, that. I remember when I went to boot camp and all the commodes were in one room, lined up along opposite walls about that far apart.
Women do the darnest thing....
Note broad smile on her face...
Now check out these women.
"Hey, our city is burning, what do we do?"
"Oh, hell, let's pose for a photo and don't forget to smile."
"When I see this, I wonder whether Bin Laden had a point."
- MTV Italia commenter reacting to a preview clip of Jersey Shore
"Can you hear me now?"
In a creative bid to smuggle drugs into a New Jersey jail, two women dissolved cocaine in water colors and painted pages of a comic book, then mailed it to an inmate.
Expectation is the root of all heartache. - Shakespear
Three tattoos that are guaranteed to be rued...
Men talk about killing time, while time is quietly killing them.
Check out Bush...
Describe your last shit with a movie title.
For Aaron....
A kid steals a tip jar from Appleby's. So what do the parents do? They sue the restaurant for tempting the lad.
PROCRASTILAZING: Because if you aren't going to get shit done, you might as well be comfortable.
I know that I have posted this before, but I still think it's one of the funniest images I've ever seen.
Dear Leader, indeed...
STRATEGIC PLAN: It's called doing something.
That's got to hurt...
People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.
This is one of the funniest men in America...
ACTUAL NOTICE: "Fans who purchased a 16 oz. beer actually received 20 oz. of beer for the 16 oz. price. Fans that purchased the 20 oz. beer received the amount they purchased...We are determined to find a solution as quickly as possible."
If this has never happened to you, then you have never lived in a dorm...
Speaking of drinking...
Marijuana: Helping kids learn the metric system since 1965.
This guy takes a header and doesn't even spill his beer.
I know a woman who fell out of a moving pick-up, rolled along the shoulder and didn't spill her beer.
(An unmatched left parenthesis creates an unresolved tension that will stay with you all day.
Monday is a terrible way to spend one-seventh of your life.
"How are you, Clark?"
"Super. Just fucking super."
By legal definition, every single creature in Tennessee is a "dumb" animal.
I know there's a joke here some place, but....
There are four states that do not allow billboards: Hawaii, Alaska, Maine and Vermont.
Every time I see an image like this I laugh...I just can't help it.
Americans choke to death on toothpicks more than on any other single product.
One of my very own....
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