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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 17, 2011


These are in no particular order and shouldn't take too much commentary...I've been busy...although I am rather proud of this post...

This is the expression of a mercenary. He works for us. He will kill anyone, anywhere, anytime if you pay him enough.

This is another mercenary. He will kill anyone, anytime, anywhere for a bowl of fucking rice.....or another little Cracker Jack badge......or both.....

This is TRUE......sadly.....


This is the expression of extreme intoxication.
If you see it...run........to the nearest condom machine....

Think about this one just a second....
What an extraordinary coincidence: I would rather piss on her than for her to wear fur.

This is the expression of a creature who is 100% certain that he is the alpha male....Well played, Bozo, well played.
"Mister Bozo, to you, old man!"

I want the doctor who gives me a vasectomy to concentrate at least this intently....

 (Goddamn I love dogs!!!)

I posted this years ago. I repost it because I think that it is an extremely powerful image...all because of her expression....which tells me she is already planning to lose her virginity....soon...

Wouldn't you love to know what these two men are saying to each other? 
The Dalai Lama once said, "Be kind whenever possible, and it is always possible."
I like that very much.
I've often said that being mean means you have lost control...I don't like losing control.

Oh, I have a good idea. Let's elect our leaders by determining which one of them has the LEAST insane religion...

I have conducted hours and hours of research on Scientology, and this kind of says it all....although a little dated...

She knows that a man is in the process of being rescued after his boat sank, so what does she do? Pose sexily with an alluring come hither smile!....but maybe that's just me....

I'm not sure this next one is true...

I stumbled across this picture of my mother-in-law when she was younger...she's the one with the carefree attitude....and tan lines....

This is what a woman looks like when you ask, "You don't mind if I take your picture, do you?",  AFTER you have taken the picture....

It's only a matter of time dear boy....only a matter of time...

Seriously. This shit has got to stop, ya'll....
 Allowing reality to give you a rude slap in the face would be a welcome relief....

This kid has abortion doctor killer written all over his face....

Yeah, he finds this hilarious.....those zany Puerto Ricans....

Do these guilty motherfuckers practice this "I'm so sorry" lip purse in front of a fucking mirror?

Speaking of lips.....

Oh, look, the Mullet Family have sold one of their flame throwers to pay for a studio portrait....

This next one reminds me....my wife is going out of town next week....Oh, yeah!

No comment....

So here in the West we poke holes in our body's most sensitive areas and stick various metal objects through the mutilation, yet we call a rather ill-fitting robe weird?!?!

Her look says, "Where are my fucking nachos?!? Are you making the cheese from SCRATCH or what?!?", but, hey, lady, your ass, it's....ah.............oh, never mind....

Those zany asians....

Black people have very expressive faces...don't you think?
It's like they don't bother to mask their emotions to conform to the dictates of modern norms.....
But maybe that's just me....

(goddamn I love funny people on the internet!!)

This man is the leader of a whole nation.
Can't you just see it in his face....and his accessories?

Yes, gentlemen, this is what's on her mind every fucking time you ask her....

Oh, look ya'll, another picture of my mother-in-law....she's the one in the boots....and dog collar....
But even in her later years she hasn't lost that carefree personae...

One of my very own...
 TRUE: I went in the house yesterday and asked my wife what a rhubarb was. 
She said, "It's a red vegetable, why?"
I said, "Can you easily shove it up a man's ass?"
She said, "Yeah, I suppose so."
And she never asked me why I wanted to know.
(I only used rhubarb because I thought it was a funny sounding word)


"Oh.....I didn't know you brought your....caaaamera?!?!" 

"You want to put it in my what?!?!"

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